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Why is trail running so rewarding?

In my opinion, test races always give me the feeling of being a bit wild and probably get me as close to mother nature as possible (being a city kid). This feeling is very satisfying and gives me the same joy every time. It’s probably the biggest reason I love trail

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Hindi Songs Mp3

Almost everyone has an MP3 player or an iPod these days and listening to music is slowly becoming the one thing that connects everyone. Hindi music in India is reaching a tipping point where MP3 players are becoming an invaluable accessory, just like a tube of lipstick for a

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The history and origin of dates

In the far away arid desert a healthy fruit grows on date palms that nourishes everyone from the toughest athletes to the most delicate babies. Whether you like Sukkari, Saggae, Ajwa or Medjool, the variety of dates is as wide and diversified as the ocean. With over 500

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