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Which is better for building your small business: Pinterest or Instagram?

Find out which platform your ideal users prefer and how to know if it’s right for you to grow your business

Visual aggregation platforms for social media marketing really come down to the two main ones: Instagram and Facebook-owned Pinterest.

They both have their own way of presenting images and allowing users to build the images they like, but they also have limitations that may push their ideal users towards the other option.

Growing your business with Instagram is a great idea, but don’t rule out Pinterest.

The main attraction of Instagram is that the images are supposed to be unique and even sincere. Overly corporate posts rarely do well, and users don’t want to see traditional advertising methods employed.

Pinterest allows users to select images from anywhere online and on the platform.

The images are usually very polished and professional. Traditional advertising methods are also seen a lot more on this platform, such as tutorials and DIY posts.

Demographics will play a big role in your decision. Is your product or service more appropriate for women?

If so, Pinterest is for you. The most recent statistics show within the demographics of Pinterest users that women represent more than 70% of Pinterest users.

Pinterest also appeals to a slightly older domestic demographic.

What about services that are best promoted through discussion? Are you a speaker who wants to brag about a recent speaking engagement and create a dialogue around your experience?

This makes you an ideal candidate to use Instagram to promote your small business.

Remember this audience is a fair split between men and women and Western vs. international users. They like to see photos and videos of what you make or sell in action and they like to get the cartel involved if possible via the comments section.

The best Instagram business accounts showcase your core brand identity.

Are you hoping to sell items through a post that links to the page on your site with that product or service?

Instagram only allows one place a user can click from. With IG you get a link in your profile bio. Whereas with Pinterest, you can link from the actual post like a traditional ad.

The big difference is how you plan to start your customer experience.

If they start with you at the brand level and intend to use the entire account to create the first step in your conversion, Instagram is great. For anything where the user starts at the actual post level, Pinterest will be better for you.

It’s something you can plan for if you haven’t already.

Look at your ideal customer as you defined it, and weigh demographic information in your analytics. If you deal locally or even nationally with women and are selling a product, then Pinterest is obviously the best option.

If your online marketing is about building a brand around your experience and location isn’t that important or gender, Instagram would serve you better.

If you can’t pinpoint which one would work best for you, you can always try both!

Having the ability to create content suitable for both platforms and manage both profiles is great.

If you choose to use both, a good rule of thumb is: Pinterest for images of what you’re offering, and Instagram for images of you creating those images.

If you make a top 10 list with a polished image, you can use it on Instagram as well, but get a lot of videos and images of you creating the image that goes with that list and post them on Instagram!

Once you see better traction in one, you can focus your efforts on it.

Pinterest is a fantastic tool for many businesses, but if your business is your brand and you’re building your reputation online, Instagram will be a better option.

Vary your content, but remember that when users follow you, they do so for a reason, so don’t stray from your core brand identity.

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