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Principles of success: definition of purpose

Everyone wants to be successful in life. When you really want something, you can sacrifice for it. The definition of purpose is an unwavering desire one has in life. It is a strong desire that needs to be fulfilled. One needs to write it down to ensure that it is firmly planted in the subconscious mind. It is said that whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve. Achieving it is not about how deep a person’s formal education and poverty levels are. A person possesses something powerful to change anything in life.

Regardless of the number of times you have failed to achieve something in life, the definition of purpose will help you achieve your desire. God the Creator has given a gift to every man, which is different from other creatures, that is, the ability to use and control the mind to achieve anything in life. You can control anything. Other creatures just follow instincts, which they don’t even understand. Therefore, it is important that you describe exactly what you want. Set a bigger goal than the one you achieved before.

Every human being is given two options in life. That is following blessings or riches and curses, which are the result of not controlling the mind accordingly. You enjoy the blessings if you own and direct your mind. The lack of possession and direction of the mind leads to sanctions or negative consequences.

The blessings of possessing and directing the mind result in various benefits, including good health, peace of mind, freedom from fear and worry, a positive mental attitude, and material riches of your choice and quantity.

On the other hand, lack of direction and control of the mind results in poor health, fear and worry, indecision and doubt, frustration and discouragement throughout life, poverty and lack, much evil consisting of things like anger, lack of forgiveness, etc.

What should you do to make sure you have a defined purpose?

1. Get something to write your greatest wish in life on. In terms of achieving your desire in life, you are limited by the limits you accept or allow others to set for you.

2. Clearly describe what you intend to do in exchange for getting what you want in life. Start doing it right away. Always remember that there is nothing for nothing. Provide service or something of value.

3. Read and repeat the affirmations you have written and memorize them. Read the statements at least twice a day, that is, in the morning and at night.

Start expressing gratitude for making your wish come true before you hold it in your hands.

The definition of purpose is the first principle of success in anything you want to achieve in life. Know what you want and put it in a concise statement. It is important to determine what you can offer or provide in exchange for acquiring your desire. Put the two affirmations on paper or in writing so that you can read and memorize them. Read it regularly until it is a part of you. Start expressing gratitude right away.

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