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Psychic Outlook and Astrology for Summer 2009

Update: July 7 begins the summer eclipse season with a full moon lunar eclipse in Capricorn, ending with a full moon lunar eclipse in Aquarius. People are figuring out how to “get out,” how to reach out and connect with the world. And they surprise themselves with the way they do it, because it’s in new ways. In general, people are using new media and going through big gaps to get to a new place.

This eclipse season is a wonderful opportunity to jump high and step away from many things that are also collapsing. Every spirit born now is here to try and leap like a salmon upstream. Just lighten your load and you can do it: being discriminating and focused is the secret to making the fiery, fuel energy of this season work for you.

The energy of this Summer is volatile, intense and highly creative. Wait for the things you put your energy into to take off: everyone can jump higher in the fiery, light energy of summer 2009. No one will tolerate a pushover tactic right now, so if you’re being hard on yourself, or society is by being tough on your people, such regimes will collapse under their own weight.

Summer 2009:The most likely time to change for the better! And that’s all you need to know about the upcoming eclipse season, with the longest solar eclipse of the 21st century on July 22. At some point, you’ll soon have a heart-to-heart with yourself, get your priorities straight, and, propelled by the fastest cosmic kick in the butt of this century, have an unparalleled opportunity to let go of what’s darkening you and shine bright. as nature intended.

Significant signs in the sky: Uranus Retrograde July 1 – Here’s What to Expect: You suddenly know what you really want for yourself, and realizing that this is the time to connect with it, you make a sudden turn to return to the direction of your own heart. People can make dramatic changes now, from being externally driven to internally guided.

Summer magic spell:Who in particular is going to say this summer that “life is full of magic”? Those who fall in love and the people who fall in love now will have worked hard and/or thought about the subject of relationships. The other group in awe will be those who have worked hard and refined what they are very good at as they are given opportunities, if they are prepared, that can magically change their lives.

Personal messages for astrological signs

Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius):Commitments or business require action, follow-through, and self-discipline. Just do it, it’s worth it! You’ll find smart ways to expand into new markets and new places. Assume that what is involved commercially and creatively can grow now, wait to find out how, and then commit to acting on what you now know. Bingo! You are a bigger success than ever.

Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces):While you are in a new environment, a place out of context, such as on vacation, you have many important ideas. It’s reveal time! Where you are going and what you want are being considered again inside your head. You manifest the changes catalyzed by what happens to you now in about nine months.

Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius): You don’t know all the facts, but you are starting something and getting information and feedback on it over the summer. He looks positive, there is interest in him, he has legs, he is timely. This new beginning takes a more solid form in September. He expects a lot of communication, travel and comings and goings. Wait and also ask for feedback on whatever you are starting.

Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): Something is changing in your material circumstances. A new arrangement is on the horizon: you are moving, or coming and going, or spending the summer settling in and getting used to your new situation. It’s stop and start, but basically you’re getting what you wanted and deserve.

Aries: Your concern at first is whether things will continue to grow and work… no matter what, you seem to be adapting successfully. Some of you will be surprised at how your life is changing… There is a bravery in you and you are looking in really different directions. However, you can’t think too far into the future, as you might get in your own way by trying to find out too much too soon. Let the experience of the new circumstances tell you what to do. This summer brings happiness, even if it is hard to believe at first.

Taurus: Your life has improved recently and that trend will continue through the summer. Business is picking up, it’s more comfortable, and relative to Spring, it’s on much higher ground. One secret to your success is that the direction you are taking now, the decisions you have made, are much more true and correct for you. However, they prepare you for an even bigger change; you can handle it, you’re doing great!

Gemini: Your recent creative or professional work attracts new opportunities. More people notice you. Something you do has quite a wide appeal and interest in it is growing. Expect the action around your efforts to pick up in August…in short, there’s a positive cumulative effect of everything you’ve done coming up this summer, so keep up the good work.

Cancer: This summer you prepare things to improve financially. The world continues to invite you places in your official capacity, and the higher powers are urging you to see yourself in the most favorable light possible, as you rightly feel that you could be more successful than ever before. Boldness is required for success: you need to take a leap of faith to get something out or move in a new direction.

Lion: Significantly, the “you” you have known is definitely over. What takes its place, and it may seem like it comes to the rescue, is a higher version of yourself, and you go through an integration process until September. Pay no attention to the ups and downs of this transition period, things will be better than fine and you will know true love, not necessarily with another person, but between you and your divine self. You will feel lonelier or lonelier than usual as this new strength develops. Self control, here you come!

Virgo: Either you really go on a journey, or it’s when you feel like you really hit the ground running in your life. Let yourself be guided by new influences and a healthy desire to communicate and connect. There is love and fulfillment waiting for those who let go of their apprehension and go with the flow. Excitement awaits if you step outside! The path is also clearer now: it’s easier to make plans and know what you’re looking for in life.

Pound: By September, things are very different for you. You have overcome many fears or doubts, and your plans are bigger and bolder. It seems there are many practical decisions to be made. What are you going to do with the knowledge you have now, where do you belong and what is there to do at home? Other key issues are safety in general and your personal relationships in particular… there’s a lot going on before you move in the direction you decide to go.

Scorpion: Now you understand or are finding out how to successfully carry out a plan that means a very big change in your life. You feel much safer or more comfortable or better taking off in this new direction, and its details are clearer in August. What you discover for yourself brings you peace.

Sagittarius: You’re restless this summer, between hookups, and you’re not sure where things are leading you. A more positive spin on this halftime is that you’re on a very different adventure than you’ve been on before. You may not find a place to land emotionally for a while, but have the discomfort of not knowing it, as a fulfilling situation is just over the horizon. You just need to get to, and to do it, follow your interests!

Capricorn: You get the go-ahead you’ve been waiting for; you are definitely moving in the direction you have desired. The force is with you! You will have the opportunity to take a position or a role in life that you know is right. You are going to be very happy with what comes your way and what you create for yourself this summer.

Aquarium: It seems that you have hit the jackpot with love, or maybe you are going on a fabulous vacation, or you have the opportunity to do what you want creatively. Summer is like dessert, very rich and satisfying. However, it seems that your creative self is attuned to the practical, and that having fun somehow leads to money or financial stability.

Pisces:Pisces receives help in the arrival of money, although things seem slow at first. Don’t push if expansion seems difficult: wait until you have more support. Their involvement in partnerships and the need to create balance in general, perhaps by adjusting to new economic circumstances, or by dieting in other ways, has its unsatisfying moments, but the benefits of partnership and a life in balance seem to outweigh the disadvantages

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