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Men entangled in mother: Can a man entangled in mother have a lot of anger towards his father?

Once a man reaches the stage where he realizes that he is emotionally entangled with his mother, he could end up experiencing a lot of anger and rage. He could see that it was not only used during his younger years, but that it has continued to be used.

For a long time this will not have been highlighted and now this will be something that is perfectly clear. Still, although you will experience many “negative” feelings, you will now be on the path to breaking free.

An important point

In fact, as you’ve gotten to this point, it’s likely to show that unconsciously, if not consciously, you’ve been on this path for a while. The reason for this is that in order to get to this point and be angry, he would have had to undergo an inner change.

If this had not happened, then most likely he would have continued to put up with what was happening. When it comes to what has changed within him, this can show that he has begun to value himself more.

draw the line

Having a stronger sense of your own inherent worth, neglecting yourself will not have the same appeal. Now, this does not mean that it will no longer behave in the same way; no, what it means is that it will be much more difficult for him to do so.

Naturally, a large part of him will continue to feel the need to behave in the same way. This part of him, in addition to being seen as unhealthy, will need to be phased out by the smaller part of him that is healthy.

A process

The sick part of him will have been in control for most of his life and he’s not going to give up. At this point, being there for others and his mother, in particular, will be what he feels comfortable with.

It will not matter that behaving in this way makes you suffer and live a miserable existence. Like a dog with a bone, this part will endure and if he tries to fight this part, it will only create even more pain and strengthen the life he is currently living.

The main problem

At this point, it might seem that your mother is solely responsible for what happened. After all, she will be the one who used it to satisfy some of her unmet adult and child needs; there will have been no one else.

He could believe that if she had really been there for him from the start and provided what he needed, instead of forcing him to be there for her, his life would be so different now. There is no doubt that this would have helped, but there is also the effect that the father had on him.

totally overlooked

Up to this point, it may not even have crossed his mind that his father has played a role in who he is. What this may illustrate is that his father was not around or he was close but emotionally unavailable.

His father, had he been around and emotionally available, would have played a role in pulling him out of his mother’s world and giving him the support, guidance, and encouragement he needed to gradually stand on his own two feet and take his own power. With this in mind, since he was not present or was present but not emotionally present, he would have caused a lot of damage as well.

an analogy

One way of looking at this would be for the man to imagine that when he was in his mother’s world he was in the sea and for him to come out of the water (the feminine); he needed his father to reach out and guide him to solid ground. Then he would have gone from being all in the sea to gradually settling down, finding his center and the strength within him (the masculine).

Reflecting on this, you could end up experiencing a lot of anger and rage towards your father. She could feel deeply betrayed by him and feel rejected, unwanted, and abandoned.

Two sides


The truth is that both his mother and father would not have knowingly hurt him; this would have been something that took place due to the fact that they were essentially asleep. Still, what they did and didn’t do would have hurt him deeply.

The former would not have given him what he needed to feel whole and emotionally whole, while the latter would not have given him what he needed to become a strong, courageous, and capable adult. So it may seem that a man entangled by her mother was only hurt by her mother and has a problem with her, but this is only part of it.

Both Elements

A man in this position will have to heal both his inner father and mother. As he changes these two parts, he will gradually become more loving to himself and feel stronger, and this will allow him to live a life worth living.

Also, by changing his inner world, his behavior will change towards his mother and father. What this shows is that the way to change your life is to change your inner world and as this happens, your outer world will change.


If a man can relate to this and is ready to change his life, he may need to seek outside support. This is something that can be provided with the help of a therapist or healer.

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