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Facebook Marketing Tip: Create a Fan Page to Brand Your Business

Facebook is now the most popular social networking site in the world. Today it has more than 175,000,000 active members. Apart from adding friends and playing games on Facebook, you can also use it to market your business. Facebook is a very effective marketing channel and if you are willing to put in a little time and effort, you can definitely see the results.

There are a few ways to market on Facebook, some common methods are: fan page creation, group creation, social ads and banner ads. Social and banner ads will cost you some money. If your budget is tight, you may want to create a fan page for your business. A business fan page works like a member’s profile page. As a business admin or owner, you can upload photos, add links, post videos, write a description of your business, and more. If you want more targeted visits to your fan page, you can use social ads to advertise your fan page.

One of the advantages of the fan page is that it encourages user-generated content. Fans can participate in discussions, share videos and links, post on walls, leave comments, etc. This creates a buzz around your business fan page and promotes your brand worldwide.

Another benefit of a fan page is that people can easily share it. When your friends become fans of your business, they can click the button and suggest the page to their friends. This will create a viral effect and spread your brand to more people. If you connect with enough people, your fan page will go viral.

If you have a blog, you can easily import it to the fan page. This will ensure that there is always new content on the page and that more people become fans. Additionally, you can also import other widgets like Flickr photos or Picasa albums to the page.

Facebook is the fastest growing website online. With so many active members, you can’t miss this marketing channel. If you want more exposure, there are still Facebook social ads. With social ads, you can target people based on demographics. This is especially useful if you run a business-to-customer (B2C) business.

So if you don’t have influence on Facebook to market your business, you should do it now. It only takes you a few minutes to create a fan page. So stop procrastinating and start tapping on the vast network of Facebook.

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