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Advice for patients facing Mohs surgery

Have you recently been diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer and told that you will need Mohs surgery? The good news is that your chances of eradicating the cancer with this procedure are extremely high. Even better, this surgery is a minimally invasive procedure. It is done on an outpatient basis and usually just involves the use of local anesthesia to help you feel comfortable. Still, proper preparation and aftercare can make all the difference in the outcome of your procedure. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Come prepared on the day of surgery

Shower and shampoo before surgery, as you will need to keep the treated area dry for the first day or two after the procedure. They may give you a special antibacterial wash to make sure your skin is super clean. Use as directed. Dress in comfortable clothing that you do not need to put on or take off over your head. Do not put on makeup if you are having melanoma removed from your face. Bring food and entertainment. This surgery is done layer by layer in stages to ensure that all cancerous tissue is removed. This means it can take several hours as a pathologist inspects each layer for abnormal cells. You don’t want to get bored or hungry while you wait.

Don’t get carried away with pain control

Most melanoma skin cancers appear on the face (since that is the area that receives the most UV exposure). There are many nerve endings in the facial skin. Also, this area has many different muscles and the skin tends to be very mobile. This can create a certain amount of discomfort after surgery. You may be tempted to take over-the-counter pain relievers, such as aspirin, before surgery to help you cope. That’s not a good idea since these drugs can interfere with normal blood clotting. Always discuss any medications you should take or avoid prior to skin surgery with your skin surgeon and primary care physician. Pain after Mohs surgery can usually be successfully controlled with extra strength Tylenol.

Use RICE for post-operative care

Most patients feel well enough to return to work one day after this procedure. However, it doesn’t hurt to treat yourself to a little downtime to jump-start your healing process. A combination of Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation (RICE) works well to treat the most common postoperative effects of Mohs surgery. Take it easy for about 24 hours after your procedure. Rest with your head elevated and use an ice pack to limit swelling. If you have light bleeding, apply pressure to stop it. Soon, you should be back to normal!

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