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Where to find original art by British artists online

As an English artist who regularly looks at the art market online, I continue to encounter the same modern plague of information overload when searching for original art for sale by English artists online.

So here are four ways that I hope you find useful to help you find quality original English art for your home or collection.

If you know you would like an original painting by an English artist but don’t know where to start looking for one:

1. You can visit galleries.co.uk, which is the online resource for Galleries monthly print magazine. You can search for galleries and dealers by area, name, etc. Visit their websites, take a look at the original artwork they offer, and get an insight into the artists’ work. The print magazine is also very useful – you can usually get a free copy at public art galleries or art galleries around the country.

The high-quality galleries shown often represent work at the mid to higher end of the price range. You can also go directly to the independent artists’ websites in the artist section of gallery.co.uk/artlinx/#AOnl Artlinks AZ, which is one way to find original artwork by somewhat lesser known artists, but it is possible You may be pleasantly surprised at what you find both in terms of quality and price of the artwork.

Once you’ve found an artist you like, you can narrow your search to find the information you need about where and what artwork is available from the artist.

2. Look for exhibitions by members of art institutions like the Royal Watercolor Society website or visit the Bankside Gallery etc. with work available for purchase by its (often well-known) members. At the higher end of affordable art.

3. You can go directly to websites that market artwork by English artists (usually completely internet based), offering affordable art by lesser known or unknown artists. These websites offer a great deal of art but as a result you lose the insight and knowledge that a dedicated gallery or dealer could offer you on an artist you might be interested in.

They take a commission from the artist when you buy the artwork just like a regular gallery with featured artists who tend to pay a higher membership fee. Examples below selected according to online presence:





scotlandart.com (high street gallery which also has a large online presence): original paintings of predominantly colorful Scottish views.

4. If you’re not in a big rush to shop online anytime soon, you can find art fairs near you online and arrange a visit. They are a good opportunity to see the work of art galleries spread across the country under one roof and many of them have different themes. These are some of the largest in England.

britishartfair.co.uk London

londonartfair.co.uk London

affordableartfair.co.uk Bristol and London

buyartfair.es Manchester

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