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What is the ultimate lifestyle?

Since the mission of this newsletter is to help you define,
sculpt and live your own ultimate lifestyle, I thought that
should devote some space to laying the proper groundwork for
doing that.

Before you can hit the target, you need to know where it is!
So, to begin with, let’s answer the question:

What is the ultimate lifestyle?

First of all, it is different for different people. exist
No rules or formulas. For some people, it means a lot
money, a lot of “stuff”, a kind of fast-paced and “jet-setting”
lifestyle. For others, it means a very simple and slow rhythm.
life focused on service to others. And for others, it is
all possible scenarios between these two “extreme”.

There is no right or wrong, good or bad lifestyle

There is just what works for you, and it will probably change
overtime. I know you have for me.

No matter how you end up defining Ultimate Lifestyle for
yourself, now and in the future, there are 8 components that
must be considered:

1) Income streams

To live your best lifestyle, you must have income
flowing streams that allow you to pay your bills and finance
all the “extras” you prefer. For me, the ultimate goal for
to aspire in this field is to have streams of income
whether to “show up” for “work” or not, so you can choose
what you want to introduce yourself for (even if it’s still
what you call a “job” or a “job”).

That is what I have been able to achieve by applying my
Invisible Path/Eleventh Element Strategies combined with
marketing on and off the Internet.

Have streams of income, whether it’s coming or now
looks like “pie in the sky” to many people, but it is
actually quite possible in today’s world. you will learn more
on how to do it in future editions.

2) Emotions and Beliefs

Many people fail to create their ultimate lifestyle because
have emotional blocks, problems or beliefs (what I call
“P.S”. or “master biographical files”) that hold them.
Other people have produced extraordinary results and could
live your best lifestyle, but your blocks, problems or
beliefs prevent them from doing it, or fully enjoying it.

Therefore, living The Ultimate Lifestyle must include having
access to resources and internal skills that allow you to
discover and eliminate, heal or release any blockage, problem or
Beliefs that hold you back. You will learn more about how
do it in future editions.

3) Realization and Satisfaction

Whether you have a 9 to 5 job and career, you’re a full-time worker
mom, or whatever you do with your time, a big part of living
The ultimate lifestyle means getting the most satisfaction and
satisfaction of what you spend your time as possible.

Many people do not ask for this, do not focus on this, and
therefore, do not understand it. You must make it part of your
intention and focus!

4) Living environment

How and where do you want to live? In the mountains? In the
Big city? In water? Multiple houses? You want to live
in a big house or in a small house? is it privacy or view
beautiful scenery outside your windows important to you? You
like modern furniture, antiques or an eclectic mix?
Living the Best Lifestyle Means Asking These Questions
and have a home base that nurtures you on a very deep level
level. My family recently moved to Charlottesville, Virginia
in search of the nurturing living environment we long for,
and we got it, even better than we expected!

5) Relations

What good is it to have streams of income, a healthy emotional state?
life, empowerment of belief systems, a great living environment,
and a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in how you
spend your time if you’re alone (and don’t want to be) or
their relationships with significant others (parents,
siblings, children, partners, etc.) are a disaster? believe me, i
know about it from long personal experience (before
meeting my wife, Cecily).

Therefore, living The Ultimate Lifestyle must include having
access to resources and internal skills that allow you to
attract, build and maintain healthy relationships.

6) Health

Again, what good is it to have streams of income, a healthy
emotional life, empowering belief systems, a great life
environment, fullness and satisfaction, and great
relationships if you have health problems that drag your
quality of life to the gutter?

Dr. Robert Lindberg says, “We spend most of our lives gaining
wealth and then spend most of our wealth to recover
our health.”

Living the best lifestyle means having access to
knowledge, resources and skills that allow you to obtain
healthy, stay healthy, and quickly resolve difficulties if
and when they arise. I discussed some of the resources I use
for this in previous issues, and I will continue to share them
in future editions,

7) Time

You can have streams of income, a healthy emotional life,
empowering belief systems, a great living environment,
wholeness and satisfaction, good relationships and health
And if you don’t have time to do what you love, to
follow your non-work passions, or to truly enjoy anything,
What is the point? I know a lot of people who could be absolutely
live their best lifestyle, but also choose to work
much to the detriment of their quality of life. That too
bad: having the option and the ability and not doing it.

8) Creation, management and responsibility of wealth

The final component to living The Ultimate Lifestyle is
have systems in place that allow you to use your income
currents to create wealth (as you define it), manage it, make it grow
protect you, structure your finances and business
matters for maximum efficiency and personal benefit, and
find ways to contribute and give back (if that’s
important to you, as it is to me and my wife).

I’ll be writing a follow-up article called “The Fuel That Powers The Ultimate Lifestyle” shortly.

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