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What is the best time to get pregnant?

Do you know that there is a specific period of time in which a woman has a greater chance of getting pregnant?

These are the days when a woman is ovulating and there is a proper way to calculate when is the right time to achieve pregnancy.

To calculate possible ovulation dates, you need to have a basic understanding of your body and how it works. Post-ovulation time is the period between ovulation and the main day of the menstrual cycle, which includes 14 days and is the same for almost all women.

Therefore, by knowing the due date of the next menstrual cycle, by calculating 12 to 16 days ago, you will probably find out the ovulation times.

Another way to check the ovulation date is by using the BBT (basal body temperature). This is done by checking and keeping track of vaginal temperature each morning using a fine-aligned BBT thermometer. The thermometer shows a higher temperature when ovulation arrives, compared to the temperature that was recorded in the previous days.

The cause of this ovulation period is that the ovum begins to grow from the last day of the menstrual cycle, reaching its greatest size between the eighth and the twelfth day. It is recommended that having sex on the eighth, tenth, and twelfth day will give you the best chance of getting pregnant.

A fascinating truth to keep in mind is that the life expectancy of the ovum ranges between 12 and 24 hours, and this is the opinion of many renowned gynecologists. Fertility specialists say it will probably go away in 15 to 16 hours.

Achieving a pregnancy is not only in the hands of women, and you must bear in mind that your partner must play an important role in order for you to conceive.

Many people think that they need to have a lot of sexual intercourse during the ovulation period, but they should be aware that a lot of intercourse can result in a low sperm count and the sperm may lack the necessary potency and capacity.

If intercourse occurs several times a day, the sperm become old and stagnant, without much-needed energy. Fertility specialists suggest that for best results, sexual intercourse should be done twice a week.

Compared to the female egg that dies in a short period of time, the male sperm survives for 2 to 5 days inside the vaginal canal. Therefore, it is an excellent idea to have sex for a few days before your ovulation date, so that the sperm have many opportunities to connect with the egg.

These are just a few guidelines, which may not be enough to achieve a pregnancy. More help is surely required, so you need to visit gynecologists. The best gynecologist will help you in every possible way to achieve a successful pregnancy.

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