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What happens when during the Baby Shower?

To be precise, anything can happen at any time as long as everyone enjoys it. There is no right or wrong way, everything works out. But the idea should be to make everyone feel comfortable and to make the mom-to-be proud and happy in her shower.

Showers are a great tradition to congratulate the new mom and her family, shower her with lots of gifts and blessings. The games are a lot of fun and especially good to play if the guests don’t know each other well. In that case, the games act as a great icebreaker. Usually three to five games are played at a baby shower, depending on how long each baby shower game takes. The winner of each game sometimes receives a small gift from the hostess as a prize.

Basic hints and tips:

  • To be prepared! Have enough pens, pencils, erasers, and paper on hand for whatever game you decide to play.
  • If it’s a couples shower, include games that both men and women can enjoy.
  • Try to include party games that the mom-to-be can play from her comfortable chair.
  • Have gifts for the winners such as: scented candles, potpourri, glass vases, picture frames, address books, diaries, movie passes, plants, coffee mugs, gourmet coffee, hand mirrors, bath soaps, flowers, etc.

Although the traditional showers were “women only” celebrations, these days men are also being included. The baby shower is usually held between 4 and 6 weeks before or after the birth. There are literally no specific guidelines for hosting the baby shower, just plan what you think everyone will enjoy.

However, a well-planned, easy-flowing shower can look something like this:

Pre-Shower Events:

  • You should plan carefully to invite everyone close to the mom-to-be and her family.
  • Send the invitations well in advance, about 4-6 weeks in advance.
  • If you have a special theme, let everyone know about the invitation.
  • To plan a surprise baby shower or not, you have to decide carefully.

During the shower activities:

  • Upon arrival, greet the party guests, make them comfortable, place the gifts on the gift table, grab their coats, put on their name tag and offer them a drink.
  • Provide a table of gifts close to where the mom-to-be will sit to open them. When guests arrive, make sure your envelope or gift tag is securely attached to her gift before placing it on the table.
  • Introduce them to other guests.
  • When everyone has arrived, start with an icebreaker game to start.
  • Now it’s time to serve light drinks to everyone.
  • If you serve a meal, let guests know when they should serve themselves.
  • Provide chairs and tables for senior ladies to sit at for food.
  • When the meal is over, serve dessert.
  • While the guests enjoy their desserts, the mom can open her gifts.
  • Play one last game and pass out the shower favors to gently close out the shower.

As these are once-in-a-lifetime events for many couples, try to capture every moment with the help of photography, videography, and voice recordings. Give the expectant mother and guests something to remember and cherish these specials.

Generally, light snacks and drinks are served in the showers. However, as a hostess, you decide on the food, whether it will be served, etc.

With careful planning, your party will be a fantastically fun and memorable event for the guest of honor and all party guests!

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