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Walking safaris in Africa: a sensual experience

On a typical African walking safari, you’ll wake up before dawn and set off at dawn to explore the wilderness as part of a small group of around six guests (maximum eight) led by two highly experienced, armed guides. As you are leisurely led through a pristine landscape of riparian forest, mixed savannah and open savannah at a relaxed pace with the breeze at your favor, the guides will stop from time to time to read and interpret the dramatic stories of life and life of the previous nights. fights to the death written in signs and traces along the paths of the game before you.

In anticipation of face-to-face encounters with Africa’s rich wildlife, including the “Big Five” (elephant, rhino, buffalo, lion, and leopard), you’ll notice your senses become extremely alert to different sights, sounds, and smells. surrounding you As you learn about nature and its ways, you will come to see the interconnectedness of all things in nature and understand the intricate web of life woven through its delicate and perfectly designed tapestry. Once you become acquainted with nature, it ceases to be a frightening and strange place and you will gradually become absorbed in it, as you realize that humanity is part of and one with Mother Nature, not above or higher than her. .

The primary focus of an authentic African safari adventure should be to deliver the SENSUAL experience of walking safaris in a way that holistically complements the VISUAL experience of vehicle safaris. Not only will you be able to see Africa’s wildlife and landscapes from an open safari vehicle on morning, afternoon, evening or night tours, but you’ll also be able to experience them up close and personal during morning walks or full day walks through the African bush.

Walking safaris in Kruger Park operate throughout the year, with itineraries determined by the seasons. The cooler and drier winter season (April to September) is the best time for full-day walking safaris. The hot and humid summer season (October to March) is more suitable for morning walks and afternoon game drives.

No season is better than the other to visit the Kruger: in summer, the park is green and lush, teeming with hatchlings and vibrant with the calls of local and migratory birds from Central Africa, Europe and Eurasia. In winter, the park is cooler, drier, and the vegetation is less dense, providing excellent game viewing opportunities as the animals move in search of water and grass.

Early morning SUMMER trails typically leave at sunrise and cover about 5 km (3 miles) before a breakfast back to camp. The rest of the day is spent relaxing by the lodge pool, before the afternoon game drive with sunset drinks and a floodlit night drive back to the lodge before dinner.

The WINTER season trails follow the same itinerary (morning walks and afternoon game drives), with the added option of full day walks thanks to the cooler weather. These treks cover 6 to 12 miles (10 to 20 km), depending on guests’ preferences, with a cooked breakfast and cold lunch served seated at a jungle table in traditional safari style. Lunch is followed by a siesta before the afternoon leg of the trek and an evening game drive back to camp in time for dinner.

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