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Type 2 diabetes and healthy eating: 3 protein-rich vegetables to start eating today

For most people, getting enough protein in their daily eating plan turns out to be the biggest challenge they face, nutritionally speaking. Unless you’re a chicken breast lover or diligently tracking your protein intake, there’s a good chance you’re currently not eating enough protein every day.

Fortunately, some vegetables contain more protein than many people realize. While they definitely won’t give you the protein that a juicy steak would, as far as veggies go, they do offer a good dose. Include these protein-packed greens in your daily eating plan, and you may find it’s easier than ever to meet your needs.

Here are three of the best vegetables to choose from…

1. Edamame. Often considered a vegetarian-only food, don’t neglect this vegetable. Contains 10 grams of protein per cup and is very easy to prepare and eat. You can buy this vegetable in steamer bags, which makes it easy to just pop them in the microwave, add a little salt and pepper, and then serve.

For something even tastier, try tossing them with a little of your favorite salad dressing before serving.

2. Corn. Few things are more delicious than fresh ears of corn made on the barbecue. Corn is primarily a source of carbohydrates, but with that being said, it will also give you a good dose of protein.

Corn contains 8 grams of protein per half-cup serving, so it shouldn’t be ignored. If you combine corn with some black beans, which makes a great combination, the beans will also provide you with a great dose of protein, and this can help make a complete meal.

If you can’t find corn on the cob, canned corn works too. Just avoid creamed corn since it has other ingredients added and is higher in fat and sugar.

3. Kale. Next on the list is kale, which packs 6 grams of protein per two-cup serving. Kale is often considered one of the best superfoods you can eat thanks to the wide variety of vitamins and minerals it contains.

Serve it raw, cooked, or blended into a protein shake. In the way you prefer; you will be doing your body good.

Keep these vegetables in mind and make sure you don’t overlook them. Remember that there are other places where you can get your protein from animal sources.

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