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The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Jumped Out the Window and Disappeared: A Good Book Club Read?

The 100 Year Old Man Who Jumped Out the Window and Disappeared is a very intriguing book. The quirky title is enough to draw you in, suggesting this book will be wacky and a little different.

The plot has a lot of twists and turns, but it’s essentially a series of ridiculous events that get sillier as the old man tries to escape the police by accidentally taking a suitcase full of money. At the same time, we learn about his past and the wonderful adventures and famous people he has met throughout his long life.

We picked it up for our book club, but when I started reading it, I was worried it might not be the best fit for our group. It’s certainly fun and very random, but would there be enough to discuss in a book club?

All the members of our group gave away the book The 100-year-old man approx. 7/10. That generally makes for an average discussion! It’s much better if there are some who absolutely love it or completely hate it.

There are some interesting topics to discuss which led to a lively discussion. We enjoy discussing the different types of humor that are present in the book.

The theme of old age was also refreshingly addressed in The Hundred Year Old Man. It made us all revisit our perceptions of the elderly and wonder if we should see them more like Allan, the 100-year-old man.

We all agreed that the subplot of Allan’s adventures as a young man made for much more absorbing reading than the rather silly plot about the stolen money. Many felt that they had learned something new about the history of various countries, leaving them wondering if the events in this book had any truth to them.

So is the 100-year-old man’s book suitable for a book club?

This is not a worthy book that will lull you to sleep with its literary prowess. However, it will make you laugh, sometimes even out loud. It’s playful, quirky, and totally different from anything else we’ve ever read. For that reason alone, it’s worthy of a Book Club discussion.

What it lacks in depth, it more than makes up for in quirkiness. We could all learn something about the life of Allan, the 100-year-old man, who seems to wander through life without a care in the world and without a set plan. How refreshing.

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