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The graduate

Koo-Koo-Ka-Choo, Mrs. Robinson …

Bear with me those of you who know with such affection what I sing, since this post is dedicated to those who do not.

The little gem of Mike Nichols’ film The Graduate was released in late 1967. Reflecting the social and moral climate of the time, this coming-of-age story of recent college graduate Benjamin Braddock (Dustin Hoffman) captivated the hearts and libidos of general audiences across the country.

Home from college, Benjamin finds himself adrift in confusion and doubt. Unsure about the expected path in life that his family and society have laid out for him. He is easily distracted from his future by the seductions of the older and bolder Mrs. Robinson (Anne Bancroft), the wife of his father’s longtime business partner. The affair that turns out lasts until Mrs. Robinson’s daughter Elaine (Katharine Ross) returns home from college for a visit. A romance between Elaine and Benjamin develops during their visit, on a date, strongly encouraged by their parents and Mr. Robinson. Upon discovering the affair, Elaine returns to college and accepts a marriage proposal from another. Benjamin’s search for Elaine leads to one of the most remarkable climactic scenes in movie history. (Some minor characters include Richard Dreyfuss and Norman Fell in a prominent performance as the ever-suspicious pensioner owner.)

The graduate evolved into what set the bar not only for comedy and satire in film, but also for editing and musical enhancement.

The soundtrack provided by the folk / rock duo, Simon and Garfunkel, it contained only one original song at the time of its release. Originally titled “Mrs. Roosevelt” and changed to “Mrs. Robinson” for the film, this unique track propelled the soundtrack to the top of the charts, replacing The Beatles “White Album.” And, although it is not the main theme, it has become one of the most memorable songs connected to a movie. Gain public awareness three years earlier, with the main theme, “The sounds of silence”, Simon and Garfunkel they were best known for their sweet harmonies and turbulent relationship, dating back to childhood. The award-winning duo were among the most popular recording artists of the 1960s, inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1990.

The graduate, upon being released, garnered 7 Academy Award nominations in top categories, with Mike Nichols for Best Director. The film has consistently ranked on the industry’s top film lists and in 1996 was listed on the United States Film Registry for film preservation. Forty years after its release, this historical film is still a little gem of a movie.



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