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Take a look at the endangered species you could meet while diving

One of the best things about scuba diving is that it gives you the opportunity to get up close and personal with incredible marine life. Sure, you could stop by your local aquarium to see the fish and other sea creatures, but to be honest, that doesn’t compare to seeing them in their natural habitat like you do when you go scuba diving. What’s especially amazing is that you might have the chance to see some of the marine life that is currently considered endangered. Let’s take a look at some of the underwater animals you should make an effort to see before they disappear forever.

endangered sharks

Diving in shark infested waters may sound like a bad idea, but in reality it is very unlikely that the sharks you see while diving will attack you. In fact, they are quite shy and are more likely to be afraid of divers than vice versa. Some dive tour companies offer specific dives designed to give divers a chance to spot those elusive sharks. There are several species of sharks that are currently in danger of extinction, and diving may be the only chance you have to see one up close before they disappear forever. These include basking sharks, angel sharks, thresher sharks, and hammerhead sharks. These sharks can be found in various locations around the world, so you’ll need to plan your dive trip accordingly if you want a chance to see them.

endangered turtles

Meeting turtles is a kind of pleasure for divers. Anyone who has been diving in Hawaii will tell you that Hawaii’s green sea turtles are amazing. However, these are by no means the only turtle species you may encounter while diving. The hawksbill sea turtle is currently on the list of critically endangered species and is native to the Caribbean, Indonesia and Australia. The leatherback sea turtle is not endangered, but it is still at risk. They are most likely to be seen by those who dive in Barbados and Indonesia.

Other endangered sea creatures

In addition to sharks and turtles, some of the other endangered sea creatures you may encounter while diving include the Florida manatee, a tame animal that is threatened by both habitat loss and boating accidents, as they move slowly and struggle to get away. of high-speed boats, causing them to be frequently hit by propellers. Divers may also encounter Hawaiian and Mediterranean monk seals, which are also endangered.

Diving is a great opportunity to see these endangered species in their natural habitat.

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