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Stop the signs of aging fast!

For starters, a smile will make you look ten years younger. It will also increase and deepen the wrinkles around the mouth area. So that’s a double edged sword for you.

I would suggest avoiding baking your face in the sun to begin with. Tanning looks good and hides blemishes and even panda eyes, but the side effects of prolonged tanning on the face and other skin areas of the body will cause wrinkles to develop faster and earlier than age. So if you must tan, opt for spray-on ones that have fewer side effects and less carcinogens. Unless you look English and have a pasty white complexion, I think you should look like you do and be happy with it.

For blemishes, I suggest salicylic acid because it works wonders on acne. It promotes the cushioning of the upper layers of the skin and new layers of skin appear. The drawback to this is that once you start using the acid, you have to keep using it until the stain is gone. For acne, you should use it around the acne area as well.

A big secret, well it’s not really a secret, is to make sure you drink plenty of water every day and urinate to flush out all the toxins. Eight cups of water is the standard and it really does make a difference. Young skin is full of collagen and moisture, and that moisture is nothing more than water. Pamper your face with a splash of water every day, it feels good and your skin needs to drink too, right?

As for sleep, if you want to look beautiful in the long run, make sure you catch those zzzs and sleep early to wake up early. Make sure you go to bed around 10 and wake up around 8. Why? Why must you waste your days? During the midnight hours and beyond, for many, the brain simply shuts down. Unless, of course, that’s the way it is for you… college students mostly who sleep at 4 in the morning only to wake up at 4 in the afternoon. Sleep has been shown to help burn more fat… doesn’t that sound wonderful?

With products, I don’t believe in the expensive ones found in department stores. They seem to smell better, but do they really work better? I believe in vitamin E, coenzyme Q10 and retinol A.

Keep your fruit and vegetable intake levels high and make sure you get enough fiber. If you keep toxins in your body, it will show. The effects of constipation will make you look unpleasant and feel even more unpleasant. Have plenty of protein and oils that are high in HDL and vitamin C and other antioxidants.

In short, if you take care of yourself, it will show on your face. There are twenty-somethings who look forty and vice versa. If you smoke, go clubbing into the wee hours frequently, drink like there’s no tomorrow, and tan until you’re a prune, you’ll be an LOL in no time. Little old lady, as my teacher basically calls them.

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