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SEO Tips You Can Implement Today, Part 1

Search engine optimization is necessary for any business that wants to remain competitive. Most B2C companies understand that. Unfortunately, as is often the case with new marketing tactics, some B2B companies are still behind with SEO. Too many B2B companies ignore SEO entirely or focus on a narrow aspect. In the 1990s, websites that used some commonly searched terms as meta keywords rose rapidly in the rankings. That doesn’t work anymore, particularly with Google’s recent updates aimed at punishing websites that use keywords.

Those B2B companies that are serious about SEO can take advantage of the outdated tactics of their competitors. If you’re in an industry like this, say business insurance or leadership and management consulting, you can quickly improve your Google ranking with a holistic SEO plan.

While full SEO is a complex mix of on-page and off-page optimization that needs to be guided by an expert, there are some simple tactics anyone can start applying to lay the foundation. The best part is that you can start making them right now.

keyword research

The first step is keyword research. While this may sound daunting, it doesn’t have to be. Think of at least 10 search terms your best customers could use to find you on Google (not including your business name, of course!). It’s usually best if your keywords are geo-targeted.

Once you have your list of 10 keywords (it can be more, of course, but 10 is a less overwhelming number to start with), go to Google AdWords and sign in (or sign up if you don’t already have a Google account). account). In the navigation bar, go to “Keyword Tool” under “Tools and Analysis”. Enter the keywords you came up with and click “Search”. Google will run an analysis on how often those keywords are being searched for and how many of your competitors are running ads based on those keywords. (To see the full results, be sure to go to the “Keyword Ideas” tab and not just the “Ad Ideas” tab.)

From this list, choose a few keywords that sound best to you. This can be a bit tricky for a non-expert, but remember that it doesn’t have to be perfect. SEO is a continuous process, you always have to improve. There’s no point in stressing about making it perfect from the start. Pick a few keywords that have a reasonable amount of search volume. Anything less than 100 might not be worth it; that is, unless it’s a keyword your ideal customer would search for. Don’t worry about keywords marked as high competition. When you’re just starting out with SEO, it’s best to aim for the low-hanging fruit first.

The last step in the basic keyword research phase is to check how your business website currently ranks for the keywords you want to target. While you could just google the terms, that doesn’t always work. Google is smart enough to tailor the results based on your past activity. If you’re signed into your Google account, you’ll likely see your website much higher in the rankings than other people. Instead, we recommend that you download the RankChecker add-on for the Firefox browser. Enter your keywords in the plugin and it will generate a reasonably accurate report of your website’s position in Google. Remember that, by default, Google shows 10 search results per page. If you are ranked 43, you are on page 5; if it ranks 143, you’re on page 15. If you’re on page 4 or 5 for some keywords, you might want to focus on those first (although the closer you get to #1, the harder it is to increase your keywords). ranking), just because you’re already doing pretty well without even trying!

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