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Save on air conditioning costs

Just when you can start to turn off that furnace, it seems to get hot enough that your air conditioner is costing you money. In the Midwest, unusually hot weather has people already using their air conditioners. And in many areas, electricity rates are going up. Can you save money on air conditioning?

You may. You just have to be smart about it. While there are frugal people who believe that air conditioning is simply a luxury that is not necessary, I disagree. In many parts of the country, air conditioning is not only necessary, it is vital. Young children and the elderly have a hard time cooling down when it gets too hot. Heat can be just as deadly as icy cold, and can often kill much faster.

So if air conditioning is a must for you, go ahead and turn it on. There are other places you can skip. There are also some steps you can take to lower your bill.

First of all, when shopping for a window air conditioner, consider the size of the room you will be installing it in. You don’t have to buy the biggest air conditioner they sell, if the room isn’t that big. Having a drive that is too small or too large makes the drive work harder than it needs to and will cost you more in the long run. Look for units that are energy efficient (a rating of 11 or higher) and have good brand names; they will last longer.

If you need to replace your central air conditioning unit, be sure to look for a SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) of 13 or better. A less efficient system will cost you more to operate. High-efficiency appliances cost you more, but in the long run, they’re worth the reduction in electric bills.

Take care of your unit. Have you ever tried to breathe through a straw for an extended period of time? You know how much that costs. That’s what happens to an air conditioner when its filter is clogged. Replace or clean the filter monthly during the summer and have your central air conditioner checked at the end of each winter. If you have a window unit, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for winterizing the unit. You may need to cover or remove it during cold months.

Your air conditioner is one of the biggest energy monsters in your home. If you have an old air conditioner, it may be worth replacing it with a newer, more efficient system. The cost should be recovered in a few years if you are replacing a unit that is more than 10 years old.

Take the time to install a programmable thermostat so you can set the temperature to adjust on its own. Keep the thermostat at 78 degrees when you’re home and 85 degrees when you’re gone for several hours.

Think about the location of your air conditioner. It won’t have to work as hard if it’s located in a shady spot with plenty of room to vent heat. Do not plant bushes or place fences too close, you could hinder their performance.

Did you know that a little gardening can save you up to 30% on your cooling costs? Plant shade trees and shrubs around your house, especially on the west and south sides. This will help reduce the direct sun that heats your home. You can also close the shades on the sunny side of the house to block out the sun.

If you have large windows on the sunnier side of your house, consider installing awnings to provide shade. You can also paint your house a lighter color that reflects the sun’s heat, rather than absorbing it.

Leaks can suck the heat and coolness out of your home. Seal places where utilities enter your home. Stop any potential draft under doors and around windows with weather stripping. Fill in the gaps around your fireplace. Consider replacing your windows with new energy efficient windows.

Make sure your attic is well ventilated. Thirty percent of the heat in your home is absorbed through the roof. An attic fan can lower your cooling costs and get the air in your home moving.

Ceiling fans may not be a designer’s dream, but they can make your home cooler. Using a ceiling fan can allow you to set your thermostat 5 degrees higher, lowering your cooling costs. Running the fan doesn’t lower the temperature, moving air reduces your perception of what the temperature actually is.

You can also save on your air conditioning by turning things off. Lights generate heat, so turn them off when not in use. Your computer generates heat, so don’t leave it running. Use a slow cooker or microwave to cook dinner so you don’t heat up the kitchen with the stove and oven.

There are many ways to stay cool during the summer. If you stay home all day, consider taking a day trip to the mall or library to reduce the need for refrigeration. Do all household chores early in the morning or late at night when it’s cooler. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. And stay cool.

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