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Relationships: Why are some men attracted to unavailable women?

Although a man may have the desire to be intimate with a woman, he may continually end up with women who are not available. Having been with several women who are like this, he may find that this area of ​​his life causes him to experience a great deal of frustration.

If you were to look back on your life, you might see that this is something that has been going on for several years, or it could have been going on for a few decades. No matter how long it’s been going on, chances are you want this area of ​​your life to change in no time.

a false impression

When you first met these women, you may have come to believe that you had finally found someone who was ready for an intimate relationship. Then it would have been as if the lights were green, only for him to find out that this was just a mirage.

Consequently, it is possible that he had a hard time himself, since it was difficult for him to understand how he was deceived again. At this point, he could have ended up blaming the woman he was with, seeing her as just another woman wasting his time.

At first

If you were to think about what it was like when you first met these women, you might think about how interested they were. From the beginning, they would have shown a lot of interest in him.

In addition to being happy to spend time with him on a regular basis, they may have been very affectionate as well. One thing that could also be highlighted is what their sex life was like, this being something that was very satisfying.

two ends

To use an analogy, it would have been as if at one moment they were in the Sahara desert, while at another, they were at the North Pole. Going from one climate to another would have been difficult for them.

However, it may not have always been so quick, as there may be times when it happened in a more gradual manner. This could have meant that it took a bit of time for them to figure out what was going on.

For example

So the woman may have found time to see them a few times a week and then this started to change as time went on. As time passed and things became more serious, he may have discovered that she was rarely free of her.

On top of this, you may have lost interest in sex over time. Then she would have gone from being warm and available to being cold and unreachable.

a clear sign

What can be made clear, however, is that just because a woman is strong at first doesn’t necessarily mean she’s available. In fact, this may be a clear sign that she is not available.

If a woman was really ready for an intimate relationship, she would probably take her time getting to know a man. With an open heart, she wouldn’t want to let anyone into her life.

A big difference

For her to become strong right away and even for her to be open to sex so soon can show that her heart is closed. Getting naked is one thing, but it’s another thing entirely for someone to reveal the real me to her.

However, what would have made it difficult for him to realize this is if he was caught up in what was happening. His emotions would have been all over the place then, making it hard for him to think straight.

What’s going on?

A man like this could come to believe that this is how women are; the downside here is that this would mean there’s not much he can do. This area of ​​his life is going to be completely out of his hands.

What can’t be overlooked here is that he’s the person who keeps showing up, which means he’s playing a role in what’s going on. If he were to dig into himself, he might discover that the reason he keeps ending up with women like this is due to the fact that he’s emotionally unavailable.

Two levels

Consciously, then, you will want to find a woman who is not available, but subconsciously, you will not want to get too close to a woman. The women he attracts are going to reflect what is going on inside of him on a deeper level.

The reason you can’t see this may be because of the defenses you’ve built over the years; these defenses will keep his feelings at bay. If these defenses were removed, you might soon realize why you experience life this way.

Way back

During his early years, his mother may have ended up getting very close to him, suffocating him in the process. This would have made him feel violated, but he couldn’t have done anything about it.

Shutting down emotionally would probably have been the only way he could handle this pain. This would have made her lose touch with his emotional self, but it would have been a small price to pay.


Deep down, getting emotionally close to a woman will be seen as something that will make him lose himself, be annihilated. His conscious mind will experience a fair amount of anger and frustration from experiencing life this way, but to his unconscious mind this will be what feels safe.

If a man can relate to this and wants to change this area of ​​his life, he may need to seek outside support. With the help of a therapist or a healer, he will be able to heal his internal wounds.

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