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Pet Allergy: Diagnosis and Medications

Just as a human being can develop allergies, pets can present adverse health symptoms due to exposure to fleas, environmental and dietary allergens. Allergens can be inhaled, ingested, or come in contact with a pet’s skin, resulting in a variety of digestive, respiratory, or skin symptoms. Fortunately, there are reliable testing methods available to accurately diagnose and treat allergies in pets. Possible solutions include pet medications and hypoallergenic diets.

Diagnosing pet allergies

Allergens and the reactions they cause may differ from animal to animal. Reactions to food allergens are rare and affect less than 10% of dogs or cats. Environmental allergens include those found indoors, such as dust mites and mold spores, and outdoors, such as pollen spores and grass. Animals can also be exceptionally sensitive to flea bites. Even a small amount of flea saliva can cause widespread irritation to the animal.

Pets can display a number of symptoms that can be indicative of an allergic reaction, including:

• vomiting

• Diarrhea

• Sneezing, coughing, or wheezing

• Snoring caused by a sore throat

• Swollen paws or when chewing the paws

• Itchy ears or ear infections

• Itching on the back or the base of the tail

Some of these symptoms, while common allergic reactions, can also be indicative of other health problems. Before a pet is tested for allergies, it must be evaluated by a licensed veterinarian. Once the veterinarian has determined that the animal is exposed to allergens, they can administer a sufficient allergy test.

Allergy Medications for Pets

Human medications, such as over-the-counter antihistamines, should never be given to a pet unless specifically prescribed by a licensed veterinarian. These drugs can cause adverse effects in animals if taken alone or mixed with another drug. Extreme drowsiness, seizures, or other symptoms may occur.

Pet medications will be prescribed based on individual symptoms, severity of symptoms, and any pre-existing conditions the animal may have. As for food allergies, the animal can be put on a special diet that limits or eliminates the reactive ingredient. Medications, such as antihistamines, corticosteroids, or allergy shots, may be prescribed to control other allergies. For skin reactions, topical medications such as shampoos or creams may also be prescribed.

Unfortunately, as of now, there is no cure for pet allergies. However, there are treatment methods, including pet medications, that can successfully control symptoms and allow the animal to enjoy a better quality of life. A licensed veterinarian can accurately diagnose and properly treat pet allergies.

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