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New Trends and New Opportunities in Web Design

Websites must be designed to impress. The latest design trends like vertical patterns, Material Design-inspired interfaces, and slider-style sites are gaining popularity.

These are some of the trends that have emerged and will prevail in the future as well:

Vertical patterns and displacement

With more and more people using mobile phones as the only point of access to the Internet, vertical pattern designs are becoming more and more popular. Mobile traffic is outpacing desktop traffic and more and more websites will need to be designed with a vertical flow. Vertical scrolling was all but extinct until the need for mobile websites arose. Mobile websites need a lot of vertical scrolling if they need to accommodate all the content.

Card-style interfaces

Card-style interfaces are becoming more and more popular as they make your design look clear and uncluttered. Another great advantage of card style layouts is that they can be made to fit all screen sizes, as the screen size gets smaller they can be stacked on top of each other. This makes them more suitable for responsive layouts.

Video Style Headers

Video clips are growing from small snippets to full videos. Including video previews is a great new trend that adds to the appeal of website design.

small animations

Little animations are a fun way to engage users. Mobile elements can be used anywhere on the website. These little animations will also continue to grow in popularity in the near future.

Focus on interactions

User interactions are important to website design. They create a link between the device and the user. True interactions provide value to the user experience with your website. These small interactions decide how users communicate with your website and whether they want to associate more with your website.

beautiful typography

The emergence of usable type tools like Adobe Type Kit and Google Fonts has definitely helped web designers to use creative and beautiful typefaces for their websites. Big and bold typefaces are still in demand because they can convey the message clearly and more conveniently. The goal is to communicate the message in a highly readable and creative way.

illustrations and sketches

Illustrations and sketches are no longer for children. Illustrations are becoming increasingly popular when you need to design icons and other small interface elements. Illustrations sometimes give a website a personal touch. This is because the illustration or sketch looks hand-drawn and looks and feels personal. This can go a long way in creating a connection with the website visitor.

Websites with slides

It all started with sliders where a website could move images within a frame to display multiple images. Then there were full screen slides where the entire slide is updated to show new content to the viewer. These slides work on a click, scroll, or timeout. This is a trend that will continue.

Designers have a lot to consider when developing future-proof websites. These were just a few examples.

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