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Improving Ordered Thinking Skills Through a Film Biography

Reinforcement is being right.
bf skinner

Traditional language teaching methods are slowly evolving to suit the current environment of students. As a consequence, curricula are modified and personalized to adapt to technological advances. The combination of media forms such as trampolines with the help of multimedia tools produces the possibilities of facilitating technological instructions in activities designed in a practical way.

Teachers today must be innovative in the classroom by not necessarily demanding complicated sets of technology tools from the educational institutions they serve, but rather with the presence of core technologies, mentors make the learning environment as practical as possible. .

One of the simple ways to do this is by using a YouTube movie clip from cyberspace that directs manipulation of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning revised as Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy by Churches (2007). Integrating this into English language teaching aims to strengthen students’ orderly thinking skills beginning with remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating acquired concepts or knowledge. While these are used, the technical activities are applied simultaneously.

These suggested activities for students following through a Walt Disney biographical mini-film are primarily aimed at employing order thinking skills and elucidating how these sub-skills in each order of thinking skills are being manipulated through visualization. , listening, speaking and reading of the students. and writing with the help of appropriate linguistic objectives prescribed by the teacher acting as facilitator. The learning objectives of these activities are defined by the sub-skills.

1. Remembering

Bookmark Walt Disney Autobiography URL for easy access. Find the site of the given autobiography to allow previews. Copy or save the region to a file. Listen and see the passage in a language lab or school study. life List and order important events in the film Tabulate events and dates through Microsoft Word or PowerPoint Tell a story about Disney’s life orally or through recording Label dates on the Disney timeline through various forms of organizers graphics Label events in the Walt Disney timeline using shapes and figures from Microsoft Word applications Number the events of Walt Disney’s life as they occur in the movie biography while listening Cite significant lines biography of the film and present them through scanned images, excerpts from scenes from the film, sketches or drawings projected on the screen Naming important films cited with their promotion shown additional posters obtained from the Internet Locating Walt Disney’s trips through google maps projected on screen

2. Understanding

Relate dates and events in a PowerPoint presentation Infer through collected character important dates and events with corresponding images downloaded from the Internet Interpret teacher-provided graphic organizer projected on screen Interpret personally constructed graphic organizer displayed on screen Diagram the events through semantic mapping styles Classify the films cited in the biography through a column chart. Collect important facts to present in a PowerPoint. Summarize the life of Disney through a single paragraph on screen to deliberate.

3. Apply

Play the Autobiography and present a timeline of his story Use semantic mapping tools to relate concepts in the short film Demonstrate ideas from the film through images or sketches Present the essence of his biography through sketches Present the essence of his life through scanned images obtained from magazines Present your biography through photographs to represent ideas Demonstrate ideas through scanned images for slide shows Trace and complete in sequence the significant events in the life of Disney. Complete and explain a paragraph about the life of Disney that is shown on the screen. Choose an event and present its meaning. Represent some scenes from the film and, at the same time, reproduce the original narration. Construct a recorded narrative on the biography.

4. Analyzing

Questioning through the formulation of series of questions according to levels or dimensions to obtain details as a whole Sort the works of Walt Disney according to dates and places Organize the events through PowerPoint presentations Present a slide show with the works of Mr. Disney Classify Disney movies by genre and show some notable scenes Classify Walt Disney movies by production years Deconstruct Disney’s biography through graphic organizers Link timeline to his produced movies using posters Order events through a designed timeline or flowchart Outline biography by dates, places, events, and significant works on film

5. Evaluation

Editorialize your life with bullet points for deliberation. Prepare a rubric to display on the board to agree and disagree with the character’s significant events and accomplishments. Rate the biography in terms of its technical factors and content. Post some illustrations that allude to the events of your life. history Review past structures that appropriately list Disney life events Justify the merits of Disney movies through a simulated talk show Review the movie against a conceptualized list of criteria Probe and monitor the opinions of classmates with Regarding Disney movies. Post still images of Disney characters and caption the images. Reframe your movie titles through a projected screen. Review the film in a pure narrative to convey sequential events.


Simulate Disney life with the use of improvised audiovisual materials. Structure a script by using web script formats. Publish essays on the life of Walt Disney through journals or online blogs. Create animations to show some popular Disney movie characters. Write an article about Disney to publish it in the school newspaper or on the Internet. Produce a story by filming some moments from the life of Disney. Compose a speech about his remarkable works by mixing them with background sound and visual effects. Build a talk show about Disney. in a school studio or in the classroom Simulate Disney characters in the classroom by groups with technical effects Construct a narrative summary in written or recorded form Produce theatrical performances about it through a script Monitor opinions about the advantages of their films among classmates class

A stronger insight into the rationale for these suggested tasks can be further explained through an example that is assumed to be the discretion of a teacher of a language program being modeled. Under remembering as the lowest order thinking skills, students will tabulate events and dates after viewing the mini-biography. This type of activity deals with the sub-skills in particular, tabulating and telling what is involved in addition to the objectives of the activities and prescribes the appropriate grammar to be used, such as expressions of time, prepositions, conjunctions, verb forms in the simple past tense, as well as the skills involved. such as writing, engagement of speaking skills, not to mention viewing and listening skills that have been used previously. Additional digital aspects of this lesson are supplemented by the use of PowerPoint or Microsoft Word to create outputs facilitated by an external drive where the file was saved, a computer to enable the file, and a projector to display student work afterwards. Google the main source of the materials chosen for this lesson.

In summary, the following factors can support and test the possibilities of these proposed practical applications of the digital taxonomy in language teaching: order thinking skills (digital order thinking skills) and sub-skills, objectives, grammatical approaches, authentic springboard (YouTube mini-biography), macro skills, educational technology tools (website, external drive, computer, and projector), and outlets. All this mobilizes the possibilities of carrying out these suggested activities.

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