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How to use astrology and quantum physics to attract money

Quantum Physics + Astrology = Money

Astrology has been around for thousands of years. There are many systems that are used to test and give explanations of how Astrology affects your life.

The Age of Aquarius, which we have just moved into and will remain in for the next 2,000 years, has given us a new paradigm for Astrology.

Simply put: the zodiac is a matrix of dynamic energy. Humans are dynamic energetic matrices. Everything is energy interacting according to the cosmic Law of Resonant Frequencies.

The energies of the planets of Heaven were transferred to the energetic Matrix of the newborn. The original location of the planets vibrating within the baby gives the sun sign: Aries, Leo, etc.

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there is an infinite ocean of thinking energy called the Quantum Ocean. It is the Mind of God. Within the Quantum Ocean there are an infinite number of Divine planes.

There are twelve divine planes for astrological signs. When a baby is born, one of the Divine Astrological Blueprints is imprinted on the baby’s energy Matrix.

The Divine Plan is shown in the Solar Chart, which is divided into twelve equal houses. Each House represents a unique energetic structure that is intrinsic to the baby. House #1, Personality, House of Money etc., etc.

The placement of the planets in the houses, for each baby, will remain inside them throughout their lives. You cannot change or delete a planet from the houses of your Solar Chart.

But you can modify them, strengthen or weaken them. Along with the new paradigm of Astrology called Energetic Astrology, the Age of Aquarius has given us the Laws of Quantum Physics and the New Science of Radionics.

In order to use your Astrological Sun Chart to attract more money into your life, you need to add strength to your 2nd House, which is your House of Money.

To add this new power, you must place a powerful money symbol at the top of your sun chart. Place it in the Second House.

You can use a planetary symbol such as the Planet Jupiter; an FA runic symbol or a money symbol.

The Symbols will draw the energy of money from the Quantum Ocean into your Solar Chart. Since your Sun Chart is a direct Resonant Frequency of you, as much as your blood and hair are, the energy of money will fill your Aura. What is in your aura will attract its physical counterpart to you.

You can use Mental Radionics or a Radionics Device to make the attraction stronger. Karl Welz has designed a very powerful astrological radionics device just for this purpose. Go to their site and check it out. Just write your name.

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