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How to seduce girls 20 years younger than you

How do you seduce young and innocent girls? Seduction is never easy, but it can get more complicated when dealing with an innocent young girl. Here are 5 tips on how you can successfully win her heart, without losing her confidence.

Not all young girls want to have fun. Most of them want to be treated fairly, and generally girls want to be in relationships for all the right reasons. Some girls who played field early among older men attested to the fact that older men are more passionate than their younger counterparts; they basically know how to turn women on. Since girls can still be naïve to process their own emotions, older men make it easy for them.

Here are 5 tips on how to successfully seduce girls, even if you are 70!

1. Act your age. Girls are often attracted to older men because they possess wisdom when they speak and walk with an air of confidence, regardless of how much they have in their wallet. Don’t talk or act like an insecure 16 year old with young girls, that turns them off. Speak meaningfully! Why would they date you in the first place if all they wanted was to be with guys their age? How to seduce girls is not at all difficult, as long as you easily spot the clues and work them accordingly.

2. Look at your age. It’s okay to dye your hair, but don’t gel and don’t wear hairstyles that don’t look good on you, especially bangs!

3. “Seeing your age” does not mean looking like you are one step away from signing your last will and testament, but rather looking fit and fit. Exercise. Take your vitamins and go slowly with your drink or cigarette (or both). Keep an eye on your health because poor health is the worst indicator of age.

4. Older men can sport a new look that can take years off their actual age, but wearing trendy teen clothes can seem disgusting. Relax with your idea that only young people have fun; Older men welcome younger men as well, as long as they behave like the men these young women want to be with in the first place.

5. Behave at your age. Maturity is a factor that seduces girls and has something to do with the older man’s ability to see things differently like home and family, finances and the future, while his younger counterpart thinks of parties. and girls. However, there are older men who behave as if they have just emerged from puberty: they can be demanding, jealous, and bossy. Worse yet, they are even much more childish than their supposedly younger girlfriends!

6. Charm your way to their minds and hearts. How to seduce girls fast? Appeal to their minds and hearts. This is a deadly combination that not all men possess: the ability to appeal to both the hearts and minds of their young girlfriends. Charm isn’t just about the warmth of personality; a jovial state of mind must go well with wisdom, which is the ability to determine when to say something or just shut up.

It’s easy to bond with girls because when sparks fly, an explanation may not even be necessary. It is simply there. However, connecting intellectually is challenging because the age gap can be a factor. The best advice for older men when thinking about how to seduce girls is to act their age, look and think about their age, but not forgetting the charm and sense of humor that can bridge the age gap.

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