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How to record an interview for your podcast when the person is in a different location

One of the problems many podcasters run into is how to record a podcast when the co-host or subject of the interview lives in another state or province.

Since having that person fly or drive to your location is silly, there are plenty of cost-effective ways to record people for your podcast and still get broadcast-quality sound.

Since I am the sole host of my podcast called cube divasWhen I need to record an interview for inclusion in my podcast, I use a service called Audio Acrobat. For a small monthly fee, I call the person I need to interview and then call the Audio Acrobat number using my three-way calling feature on my phone.

If you’re looking for a no-charge option, Jason Van Orden has a solution for the more frugal podcaster. Van Orden co-hosts a podcast called Internet Business Domain with another person in another state. It has a simple strategy to record both of your voices at the same time that doesn’t cost a dime.

“We call each other on Skype or Google Talk so we can hear each other. We all have the same outline in front of us, clearly indicating who is doing what. We each have recording software open on our computers and press record at the same time. (someone counts),” says Van Orden.

“My co-host uploads the audio file to his site and I download it. Then I put the two audio files together and sync them up. It feels like we’re in the same room. This technique is often called ‘double-tiering.'” he says Van Order.

Paige Eissinger, co-host of a podcast called Views from the Cooperativehe also uses Skype, but uses a different technique than Van Orden.

“I use Skype and HotRecorder to create the podcasts I do with my out-of-state co-host. HotRecorder is a very inexpensive program available online for download. Either party (or both) can record the conversation directly to their own computers with HotRecorder,” says Eissinger.

According to Eissinger, there is an added benefit to using Hot Recorder to record your interviews.

“HotRecorder saves the file in the HotRecorder format, but it comes with a plug-in program called HotConverter that allows you to convert to a wav or ogg vorbis format. Once you’ve converted the file, you can open your conversation in your favorite audio editing program and edit. The nice thing about it is that it records each voice in the conversation to a different track so you can edit them individually,” says Eissinger.

Podcasting guru Penny Haynes, who produces 3 podcasts and is also the founder of International Podcasting Expo, shares her own technique for recording interviews for broadcast-quality audio.

“I have interviewees download a free version of a program called RecordPad and give them my FTP information to insert into the Options section,” says Haynes.

“When they finish recording, the mp3 file is automatically uploaded to my server, so I can mix the two files as if they were with me when I recorded.”

For less technical interviewees and co-hosts who may be experts in FTP programs and recording software, Donna Papacosta, who produces a podcast called Trafcom News Podcastsuggests getting recording equipment that connects to your phone.

“For remote guests, I use a Telecom Audio VoicePort connected to my phone and my Edirol R-1. The person on the other end doesn’t have to do anything but talk,” says Papacosta.

As a first-time podcast producer, Danielle Culter used a tool called the Gizmo Project to record her first podcast with her out-of-state co-host.

“Quality isn’t too bad and can be fixed when you edit. My co-host spoke pretty quietly, so you can tell a difference in levels there (or maybe I’m just a loudmouth), but overall I was pretty happy with the results,” says Culter.

Warren Contreras, a podcast enthusiast, agrees that the Gizmo Project tool can be effective for recording multiple voices in multiple locations.

“For multiple remote participants, you can take a look at Gizmo Project. Conference calling is included, as well as a one-click record button,” says Contreras.

Quotes for this article were collected from the Podcaster Central network on Ryze.com.

(c) 2006 Leesa R. Barnes. All rights reserved throughout the world.

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