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How to Improve Traction in Fly Fishing Waders

I think you’ll agree that today all fishing tackle shops and mail order outlets carry felt soled wading boots in a wide range of prices and sizes to suit the needs of the modern fly fisherman. You always get what you pay for and good wading boots with proper care will give the average fly fisherman many years of service. Wading boots used for fishing are not just another high-priced pair of hiking boots. They are designed to be wider and taller between the arch and the laces, plus extra room for the toes to accommodate thick neoprene boots and the booties found in most better quality breathable boots. Good wading boots are built with quality workmanship and water resistant materials that will withstand the harsh abuse of wading rivers. I suggest that before purchasing any pair of wading boots, try them on with your own boots and socks for a proper fit.

Having said all that, after a couple of seasons, are you a little disappointed in the way those high-priced felt-soled wading boots perform? Do they appear to be a little slipperier at the bottom of some rivers than he thought they would be? There is a cure that will solve the problem, and it works on newer felt-soled boots as well as old, worn-out felt-soled boots.

If you have a pair of wading boots (old or new), with simple felt soles, try this solution: Find a reputable carpet store in your local area that sells and installs commercial-grade, waterproof carpeting. type used in offices, restaurants, hotels, etc. This is not a residential rug or indoor/outdoor rug for patio decks. Ask to see some ruminants with short tight wool (3/8″ or less) with no fabric or rubber backing. Tell the seller what you want to use it for so they know exactly what to show you. You will only need one 3′ x 4′ piece to make four or five pairs of soles for your wading boots.Next, you’ll need to purchase Barge Waterproof Contact Cement in the red and yellow can to glue the mat over your existing felt soles.I haven’t used the Barge Cement in the green can, but I’ve been told it’s safer to use and works just as well.at most major building supply stores or shoe repair shops.You’ll also need a couple rolls of ¾ inch reinforced strapping tape

If you want to remove the old felt soles from a pair of wading boots, you can do it yourself: In an open work area away from flames or sparks, apply a generous amount of acetone to the felt soles and let them sit with the soles side up for 1 to 2 hours. Now, using a heavy screwdriver, slide the tip between the felt sole and the rubber sole of the boot at the toe end and pry up the felt. Then, using a pair of large Vise Grip pliers, grasp the old felt sole at the toe end and pull it back and up; Like opening a sardine can, the old felt should come off pretty easily. However, if the felt soles are sewn to the soles of the boots, you’ll need to go to a shoe repair shop to have the felts removed, or you can just glue the mat to the felts.

In your work area, place the rug on a hard surface with the back facing up. Lay the wading boot on the mat and use a black marker to outline the sole and mark “R” for right and “L” for left. If your boots have a raised heel, draw a line along the sole of the mat for the heel. I use a very sharp fillet knife to carefully cut the replacement soles about ¼ inch longer than the sole of the boot. If your boots have a raised heel, cut it off where the cross line is marked. Don’t worry if the replacement sole is a bit big, you can easily trim it after the glue has dried. You are now ready to apply the mat to the sole of the boots.

In a well-ventilated work area, on a workbench covered with newspaper, place wooden blocks on each side of the boots for support to keep the soles up. Then carefully apply a thick layer of Barge Cement to the soles of the boots, making sure the edges are well coated and allowing the cement to become somewhat tacky. If the cement is absorbed by the felt soles, apply another coat. Also apply a thick layer of cement to the hard back of your carpet underlayment replacements and allow the cement to tack up. Depending on the air temperature, it may take 30-40 minutes for the glue to become tacky. This is contact cement, so carefully line up the soles of the carpet with the soles of the boots and press them together, the harder the better. Put on your boots and walk around, stomping up and down, putting as much pressure as you can on the bottom areas of the boots. Take off your boots and fold the tops of the boots down into the boot opening. Use the fastening tape to wrap the soles of the carpet very tightly around the bottom of each boot. Make about 8-10 very tight wraps around the boot from heel to toe, then firmly apply about 3 pieces of tape from the bottom up and over the toe of each boot, then do the same for the heels. The boot should now be almost completely covered in tightly wrapped duct tape. After 2-3 days of drying, carefully remove the tape and, using a sharp knife, trim the mat as close as possible to the rubber sole of the boot. If you want a really neat job, you can use a small propane torch to carefully seal the edges of the carpet.

I suggest that if you just want to replace the old felts with new felt replacements, this gluing method really works. However, if he’s not a handy man or doesn’t have the time, he’ll just take the rug to a good shoe store and have them put the soles or felt soles on it.

The quality and longevity of this project depends on the quality of the carpet, the amount of pressure applied to freshly glued replacements, and the proper application of Barge Contact Cement.

Good luck, good fishing and wade safely. For tips on wading and other fly fishing tips and information visit my site.

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