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How to improve arm strength in baseball

When people talk about improving arm strength, they basically ask “How can a player throw a ball faster?” This is one of the most frequent questions I have received from parents in my twenty-one years teaching baseball and softball. Throwing the ball faster and developing arm strength for baseball and softball are basically the same. The answer to the question is very simple, “Launch correctly and launch frequently.” There is no magic formula. The secret is based on a good, solid pitch mechanic and at least six to nine months out of the year. Of course, many experts will tell you that arm speed is based on genetics; that players are predisposed to being able to throw at maximum speed based on their genetic makeup. I’m sure they are correct, however, until a player gives their all – that is, the aforementioned mix of good mechanics and continuous throwing – players don’t know what speed they are genetically capable of throwing. Every player is able to increase arm strength by spending time practicing. Of course, weaker armed players need to practice more than strong armed players, but weaker armed players also have more to gain.

With this in mind, here are some tips to help players improve arm strength:

1. At an early age, parents should have a professional pitching coach analyze players’ pitching mechanics. Any suggested shortcomings should be addressed until the correct launch fundamentals are reached. Without the correct fundamentals, a player will not reach his potential and will probably not be able to avoid an arm (shoulder or elbow) injury at some point.

2. Approximately one month before their team practice begins, players should begin pitching twice a week, followed by three and four times a week.

3. Players should gradually increase the speed and distance of the throws until they are at the maximum driving distance in line. Players must take at least 10 throws from this “long throw” distance and stop when their arm begins to tire or their throws begin to lose distance. The long throw is when the players throw to the maximum distance “in the air” without putting a great arc in the throw.

4. Once the season begins, position players must pitch up to 5 days a week. No additional pitches are required than normal game day pitches. Of course, pitchers must rest for days after pitching.

5. Players must continue to pitch a few days a week after their season ends, up to nine months of the year, with two days a week taking long pitches.

Players may not notice an immediate improvement in arm strength, but over time they will see much stronger arms. As a coach, I have seen all players improve tremendously when they stuck to a long-term pitching schedule. Although strength training exercises do not directly lead to increased arm speed and throwing force, they can lead to greater strength and faster arm recovery time. Therefore, an age-oriented and controlled strength training program is recommended.

Some extra points worth knowing:

* The number of maximum effort release days (release or long release) must eliminate a release day during the week. For example, players who typically throw four or five days a week must cut off a day to rest after a pitch or long pitch.

* Players who complain of tired or sore arms should not cross it. Rest days are also important to improve arm strength.

* Pitchers, who are on travel teams or leagues with no established entry guidelines, are at greater risk of developing sore and tired arms. Adults associated with these teams and leagues should pay special attention to the “overuse” of pitches. With this in mind, coaches are responsible for making sure their teams carry enough pitchers to handle the pitcher load.

* Players must have a break for three consecutive months without any pitches at some point during the year.

* There is no harm and perhaps some benefits to using a lighter ball for some of these pitches.

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