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How to Help Your Teenager Cope With an Inferiority Complex

Teenagers often struggle with their real identities. They seek acceptance and belonging among their peers. When they fail in this aspect, what usually happens is that they develop low self-esteem.

There are many factors that can lead a child to have a low self-concept. It may not necessarily be from her peers or friends, but it can come from various walks of life. Their lack of self-confidence may even be influenced by their own parents and other family members, as well as their classmates.

The inferiority complex develops when an adolescent child focuses more on the negative aspects than the positive ones. In cases where his friends do not accept him, the adolescent is more likely to feel disappointed and depressed. There is also a tendency to sulk and not introduce yourself to friends at school or in your community.

So what can you do then as a parent? What is the right step to help your child deal with the problem?

Family therapists point out that strong support and motivation from parents is very important in overcoming the inferiority complex. Motivation can take many forms. This can be encouraging your child in all that he does, whether at school or in her community, using positive words by acknowledging her achievements and assuring her of your continued love and support.

It is at this time that parents also need to establish a strong bond with their teenagers. Find out what your child likes to do during their free time. Observe him and talk to him about hobbies you enjoy, such as drawing, painting, playing musical instruments, or martial arts. If your child likes to read, provide him with good books or go together to a bookstore and look for the reading materials available there.

Eating together as a family is also crucial. Family counselors emphasize that mealtime is an ideal time when parents and children can update each other on the day’s activities. Some parents may not know it, but eating together less often can lead teens to try not-so-great activities, like drinking alcohol or even trying drugs.

Communication is another vital aspect of improving your teen’s self-image. How you interact with your child has a huge impact on them, so as a parent, you need to learn to be calm when talking to your teen, regardless of where you are. In front of friends and family, try to say positive things and avoid scolding your child.

What parents should consider most relevant to how they discipline their teens. Harsh discipline, when done frequently, can result in a rebellious child.

Having high expectations of your teen should also not be practiced if possible. Many parents feel guilty about this, but don’t realize the negative effect of their behavior on their children. When teens are expected to do well in school or in extracurricular activities, they feel pressured, and when they fail, they develop low self-esteem.

So practice these steps and eventually you will have a more confident teen.

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