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How to have sex: set up instant dates

When it comes to learning how to have sex, it’s instant date or die. So what exactly is an instant date? An instant date is basically a mobile place where the girl feels more comfortable. It gets some movement by building a time where it’s an “us” location instead of “this is a pickup location.”

So when do you have an instant date? The answer is that you should do it as soon as possible. This is where you have to be super prepared. This is especially important when playing the day game. During the day, everything will have to come down, and that’s how you’ll feel more comfortable, more relationship-based, and more rating-based. To be fully prepared, you need to sit down and do some thinking.

You should set goals here because you will be held accountable if you don’t. On the other hand, if you do it successfully, you’ll want to reward yourself. When you’re learning something, you have to dole out the punishment and the rewards to yourself.

Start by choosing a place where you are going to do your daytime zooms. You will need to configure those specific areas. I like the cafeteria, the mall and the gym. Those are the places where I like to do things during the day. What you want to look for are places with the hottest women. Generally, coffee shops near universities or downtown shopping areas are best.

The next thing to figure out is where your instant dates are. When I lived in San Diego and played every day, I had a good place. It was a coffee shop near Pacific Beach, a supermarket, a sandwich shop, and a dive. If I met a girl there, I could say, ‘Hey, I have to go shopping for a few minutes, do you want to come?’ Or, ‘I feel like a sandwich, come with me.’

Bookstores are also great because many of them have instant dates built in with a coffee shop in the back or a place upstairs where you can listen to music. The idea is just to ask a girl to go with you, so you have to find a good place where there is another place to go nearby. You don’t want to pick a coffee shop off the interstate off-ramp where there’s nothing but a gas station. Moving her and getting her to join you is the first step to having sex.

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