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How to crochet, history and tips

The number of people looking for crochet instructions has increased. In fact, the age gap between crochet enthusiasts has narrowed as it is no longer considered a granny hobby. People of all ages participate, including men. The internet arguably helped revamp the internet at the seam. The internet is not without a variety of crochet videos and tutorials.

Before you learn how to crochet, you may want to know some history. The word ‘hook’ comes from the French word meaning hook. It involves making fabric by pulling loops through loops. Like most types of stitching, the origins are a bit sketchy. Not many old pieces survived. One theory suggests that crochet did not exist before 1800, and another suggests that it may have existed as early as 1500.

An early form of needlework called drumming represents modern crochet. The drumming was done with fabric with the same crochet stitches. Perhaps this is how the pieces were made thousands of years ago. It was soon discovered that the stitches could stand on their own and the air crochet, or crochet, was born. No one knows for sure how long crocheting existed or where it originated. Modern crochet as we know it began in the 19th century. The patterns were previously memorized and passed down from generation to generation.

A lot has changed about crochet over the years, but it’s easy to learn. All you need is thread, hook and a desire to learn. Hooks come in various sizes b1-Q, with Q being the largest. When learning to hook t, ag, H or I is best for beginners as they are easy to hold. Yarn comes in many varieties such as 3-ply sport, 2-ply fingering weight, and 4-ply worsted weight yarn. Ply indicates the thickness or the number of threads used to weave the yarn. Worsted weight and sport yarns are good for beginners because they are not slippery. Novelty threads are difficult for beginners to use.

Before weaving, you need to tie a slipknot. Wrap the yarn around two fingers twice, leaving a tail. Pull one loop through the other loop and tighten. All crochet pieces start with a chain base. Insert the hook through the loop and pull. The patterns will tell how many chains to make.

The first point you will learn is the low point. Make fifteen chains to practice. Insert the hook into the second chain from the hook. Wrap the yarn around the hook, which is called a loop, and pull it out. Repeat across and chain one together to twist. Make several rows of single crochet. To increase single crochet, backstitch one. To decrease, draw the lasso at the next two points. Pull the yarn over and draw through three loops.

You can turn your practice piece into a coaster. Chain twenty and work to make a complete square. Single crochet around the piece with 3 single crochets in each corner. Cut the thread and weave in the ends. Make several to give as gifts or for yourself. As you have seen, crochet is fun and easy to learn. There are many resources available online if you need help with stitches or patterns. Be patient and enjoy your new hobby.

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