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How pay per click is beneficial in your online marketing strategy

Pay Per Click is a shortcut to appearing at the top of Google’s SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). However, it is different from organic search results, therefore PPC ads are placed in a different part of the results pages provided by Google. In this article, we’ll talk about pay-per-click ads and how they are a powerful tool for online promotions.

Pay Per Click, which is also known as PPC, falls under the category of ‘Search Marketing’. This means that these advertisements can be seen when a visitor searches for certain information on a search engine and comes across these advertisements. They are placed on the SERPs or search engine results pages. These ads appear when the visitor types a keyword that PPC ads have bid to appear on the SERPs.

Yes, a prominent feature of PPC ads is that they are bid-based. Advertisers bid a certain amount for the keyword they target. The more an advertiser bids, the higher their ad appears in the paid search list. (Paid search is a list of PPC ads on the same keyword and appear on Google SERPs.) Due to its paid nature, PPC is also called inorganic search marketing.

Now, let’s talk about the benefits of PPC. Why do advertisers prefer PPC over other forms of online marketing? Let’s compare pay per click with different forms of online promotions. Compared to organic search results, with PPC your target audience would find your site before other competing sites. It would be clearly visible in a separate list outside of the list of sites that rank due to organic search engine optimization. Then it takes a long time to rank well in organic searches. And when Google’s algorithm changes, it can drastically change your ranking. With PPC advertising, you have some control over the placement of your ad: the more you bid, the higher it will appear on the list.

Now let’s compare pay per click [http://www.rupizmedia.com/paid-search] with other online promotional measures such as affiliate marketing and Internet advertising. Affiliate marketing and Internet advertising depend on a third party site: the affiliate’s or publisher’s site. If the visitor lands on those sites, it is only then that you are visible. But in the case of PPC, the visitors can find you directly, as soon as they type the relevant keyword in the search box of the search engines.

Such quick appearance and greater control over your visibility make PPC a huge favorite among online advertisers. And it is through this rapid appearance that many advertisers are able to win more and more customers because as the saying goes, ‘the early bird catches the worm’.

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