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Honey is a better cough treatment than cough syrups, studies show

As we approach the end of winter, spring allergies and the cold season are also approaching. If you have children who tend to catch spring colds, this article is for you. Recent studies suggest that honey is a much more affective cough treatment than cough medicines for children. Surprised? Your grandmother wouldn’t be, and this is why.

Cold medicines, pills and syrups

The cough syrups theoretically worked by suppressing the signals to and from the brain that trigger the cough. This removal is accomplished by administering a variety of compounds including codeine and dextromethorphan, more commonly known as DM. However, although these two ingredients are used in most cough syrups on the market today, including those for children, until 2004, there was really no scientific evidence to show that these compounds were effective in children.

In 2004, a study was conducted that examined the efficacy of cough syrup in suppressing coughs in children. The results were amazing. There did not appear to be any effects generated by these drugs in children under six years of age. In response to these findings, the FDA re-evaluated cough medications and issued a ruling that children under the age of six should not receive cough syrups and also suggested that cough syrup companies stop marketing the medications. for cough as a remedy suitable for children.

Dangers of cough syrup,

In addition to being ineffective in controlling coughs in children under the age of six, cough syrups also have several side effects that can be harmful to children. Cough syrups can cause drowsiness, hallucinations, hyperactivity, headaches, rapid heartbeat, vomiting, and in cases of overdose, they can also cause death. Now that you know what not to give your kids, we can move on to what will work.

Pass the honey, please

Honey has been a popular remedy since ancient times. This is because honey has a unique chemical composition that provides real healing properties. First of all, honey is a natural antiseptic, and this, along with its thick consistency, allows honey to soothe and coat that throat and neutralize harmful bacteria that could infect it. These properties alone make honey a better option for treating children’s coughs, but honey has more to offer. Dark honeys, like buckwheat honey, have a high concentration of antioxidants that help the body prevent and repair cell damage. As you can see, honey will not only help your child feel better, but it will also help him recover faster by preventing cell damage caused by coughing spells.

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