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Health Miracle Detox Juice – Part 3 – Detox Benefits

Part 1 of this article (Juice Detox Health Miracle – Part 1 – The Toxins We Accumulate) talks about the many ways we are subject to toxins in our daily lives. Part 2 of this article (Juice Detox Health Miracle – Part 2 – Warning Signs Your Body Has Accumulated Toxins) lists the many diseases and conditions that result from excess toxicity.

Removing years of accumulated toxins from your body through a juice detox can greatly improve your health. Many diseases and conditions that we suffer from, and that we take for granted as part of the stresses of life and aging, are in fact the result of over-toxicity and can be easily reversed without medication.

Detox juice is natural, healthy and very effective. Detox products are unnecessary and unless they are natural they will introduce even more toxins into your system.
Fruits and vegetables, freshly squeezed, not only act as a natural eliminator, but also provide vitamins, minerals and nutrients to improve your health even more.

1. BIG INCREASE IN ENERGY AND VITALITY – Your body no longer has to work as hard to process food, so you’ll have more energy for you and your activities. You will feel great!

2. YOU WON’T NEED AS MUCH SLEEP – Your body is processing much faster, using less energy, so you need less downtime to recover.

3. WAKE UP IN THE MORNING FEELING REFRESHED – The sleep you get will be much more restful.

4. CURE ADDICTIONS: Many chemicals in food are addictive, however, cravings for these can go away once eliminated.

5. DELAYS THE AGING PROCESS: Since your body no longer needs to work as hard, there is less stress on your systems

6. WEIGHT LOSS – Initially this is through water loss, however a healthy diet and gradual detoxification to continue the elimination process will automatically reduce the weight to its ideal proportions. The juice cleanse also increases your metabolic rate and helps maintain your ideal weight.

7. CLEARER SKIN – Our skin is a vehicle of elimination, causing pimples etc, so there will be far fewer toxins to remove after a detox.

8. REDUCE HEALTH PROBLEMS – Many of the ailments listed above will go away and without medication, further reducing the amount of toxins being ingested. The removal of toxins can also result in positive results for major diseases.

9. DISEASE PREVENTION – A clean internal body system is much less likely to suffer from heart and other diseases.

10. INCREASED EFFICIENCY AND CLEARER MENTAL PROCESSES – Eliminating toxins allows the chemical processes in your brain to operate at optimal levels

11. MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF NUTRIENTS – Juicing is a way to ingest massive amounts of nutrients, much more than if we just ate these foods. How long would it take to eat a bag of apples? Squeezing them would produce 3 or 4 drinks and take only a few minutes to consume.

12. RAPID NUTRIENT ASSIMILATION: The juicing process breaks down fruits and vegetables into an easily digestible state. Nutrients can be assimilated by your system much faster than when you eat solid foods and require little energy to process. Due to this highly digestible state, our bodies are also able to use more of the nutrients present.

13. INCREASED METABOLIC RATE – Enzymes are found in raw foods and are responsible for the digestion and absorption of food in your body. They convert food into body tissues and are an important producer of energy levels. Without enzymes, our metabolism cannot function at its full speed.

14. PROTECTION AGAINST DISEASE: Plant chemicals, known as phytochemicals, are at the forefront of nutritional research because they hold the key to preventing some of our deadliest diseases, like cancer and heart disease, as well as some of the most common. such as asthma, arthritis and allergies.

The problem with phytochemicals is that most of us can’t eat enough to reap the benefits they offer. However, juicing is one way to overcome this problem. Large amounts of fruits and vegetables can be reduced to a few glasses and are easily consumed.

15. HEALING: Juicing aids recovery and helps build up nutrients lost during illness. Certain fruits and vegetables, or combinations of these, have been shown to be beneficial for particular conditions, for example a combination of carrots, beets and cucumber is very helpful for arthritis, digestion and colds. More and more research is being done on healing foods, which have a long pre-medical history of helping people with their problems.

16. OVERCOME DEPRESSION – Feeling depressed is not just a psychological condition. Very often, that sense of purposelessness, emptiness, feelings of worthlessness and guilt stem from a biochemical imbalance in the body. Internal contamination is one of the main causes. A deficiency of magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, or folic acid can contribute to depression. The juice cleanse not only removes the toxins that cause the biochemical imbalance, it provides the necessary nutrients to eliminate depression permanently.

17. ANTI-AGING: Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, nature’s secret weapon against aging. They fight free radicals and the damage they cause when they attack cells. Free radical damage contributes to wrinkles, sagging skin, loss of muscle tone, age spots, and the onset of age-related diseases.

18. ALL NATURAL – No special products are needed, so no toxins are added. Only natural fruits and vegetables.
Fruits and vegetables are readily available and cheap if you buy them in season. With the number of different flavor combinations that can be invented, the flavor can vary each time, beating boredom. Save money by not buying any special products either.


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