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Foods that increase fertility for men and women

Women and men who are having difficulty conceiving should take a closer look at their diet. Research from the Harvard School of Public Health produced in the book “The Fertility Diet” by researchers J. Cavarro and W. Willett (2007) has shown that when women make a few small changes to their diet, their chances to conceive increase.

Fertility begins with a nutritious diet and a regular exercise program. Superfoods give us the competitive edge. Certain superfoods have also been found to have positive effects on both male and female reproduction.

whole grains

Whole grains such as oats, barley, wheat, quinoa, and chia are low GI carbohydrates that promote a positive blood glucose response. They help with satiety, increase fiber in the diet, and give you sustainable baby-making energy. Whole grains contain plenty of B vitamins, in particular vitamin B-12.

B-12 is used at the microscopic level for cell reproduction and hormonal balance. B vitamins in women stimulate ovulation. In addition, it helps to produce healthy eggs and sperm. A B12 deficiency in men can reduce sperm motility.

To increase your intake of B vitamins, make a few simple changes:


White beans for lentils

White bread for multigrain bread

Refined and highly processed cereal for whole grains such as oats/barley/rye/quinoa

In general, when it comes to getting pregnant, it’s best to try to choose high-quality, nutritious foods. They are rich in vitamins and minerals and are less likely to contain pesticides that can disrupt hormone function in men and women.

oily fish

Contin Omega-3 fatty acids which are a powerful antioxidant. Great sources of Omega-3 are tuna, salmon, mackerel, avocado, and nuts and seeds. The professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Rochester in Rochester, New York, believes that “sperm quality is affected by dietary antioxidant intake.” Omega-3 fats are essential for the healthy functioning of the male reproductive system. Improves sperm quality and mobility in men. Try to include at least 3-4 servings of Omega-3 rich foods per week or alternatively supplements can be used.


Red meat for salmon or grilled tuna

butter for avocado

Margarine to spread with olive oil

whole dairy

Low-fat foods are generally recommended for optimal health. However, when it comes to conceiving, full-fat dairy is the way to go. Research has found that women who eat at least one serving of full-fat dairy each day are significantly less likely to experience fertility problems than those who consistently opt for low-fat or non-dairy options. Full-fat dairy products contain estrogen and progesterone that increase fertility. However, don’t make the switch to full fat until you’re ready to conceive, because extra saturated fat in the diet can lead to increased cholesterol.

Two servings of full-fat dairy per day are recommended for good health. Once pregnant, the low-fat option can be resumed. In addition, dairy products contain a large amount of calcium that helps reduce the possibility of developing osteoporosis.


Coffee cup for glass of hot whole milk

Dessert custard for Flavored yogurt tub


Although it is not normally known to attract the opposite sex. Garlic is high in the mineral selenium. Selenium is known to improve male fertility by increasing sperm motility. Almost 50% of the selenium in a man is in the seminal tests and ducts?

Selenium also helps prevent chromosome breakage that can play a role in early miscarriage in women. In addition, garlic contains vitamin B6 that helps regulate hormones and strengthens the immune system.

To increase your garlic intake:


salt for garlic

Commercial meat marinades for natural honey garlic sauce

lean red meat

Lean red meat is a great source of iron which helps prevent anemia, decreases the risk of ovulatory infertility, and plays a role in red blood cell production and function. Red meat is also a good source of vitamin B12, which is essential in the maintenance and development of the nervous system.


Chicken for a veggie burger made from vegetables and grains

Pork for Salad with Nuts and Seeds

By using a source other than meat to increase your iron intake, you also get the benefit of reducing saturated fat in the diet and increasing fiber, minerals, and vitamins.


Spinach and other green leafy vegetables are an excellent source of folic acid. Folic acid is important for optimizing sperm production, facilitating regular and healthy egg production, and helping to prevent neural tube defects. It is also a great source of iron and vitamin C which helps improve sperm quality by protecting the DNA stored in it from damage. The recommended daily intake of folate is 500 to 600 ug/day.

½ cup of spinach contains 130ug of folate which is equivalent to 33% of the recommended daily intake during pregnancy for women.


Lettuce for baby spinach salad

Meat lasagna for spinach and ricotta lasagna

Squash Soup for Spinach and Leek Soup


Zinc is often considered the most important fertility nutrient, as it has been shown to help with the male reproductive system and sperm production. If oysters aren’t your thing, zinc can also be found in baked beans, eggs, nuts, whole grains, and pumpkin seeds.

Zinc is necessary for the production of testosterone and the zinc content in the prostate gland and sperm is higher than in any other body tissue. Helps maintain semen volume.

A zinc deficiency is associated with numerous sexual problems, including sperm abnormalities and prostate disease.


Whole fish for oysters

Spaghetti Bolognese for Mariana Spaghetti


certainly adding the ‘heat’ back to the fertility department by increasing blood flow around the body, ensuring the reproductive system gets a healthy supply. Chili peppers also stimulate endorphin production, which means a further increase in fertility. More endorphins circulating in the body play a role in reducing stress. They are also an excellent source of vitamin C which helps with iron absorption.


Pepper for chili flakes

Wasabi for sweet chili sauce

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