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Change your mind to change your body

Your body is primarily a reflection of your mind. If you have a disciplined mind, you can control the shape of your body. You can easily gain or lose weight and improve or destroy your health, depending on your habits, and YOU are the one in control of your habits!

Although your mind controls your body, it is difficult to see changes in your mind. On the other hand, it is easy to see changes in your body and changes in your body affect your mind. For example, when you exercise, you feel energetic. When you lie down on the couch and take a nap, you feel lazy. If you want to feel energetic more often, exercise more often. If you want to feel lazy more often, exercise less often or not at all.

Regardless of how you would like to improve your body, whether you want to lose weight, gain weight, or simply improve your health, there are four steps to take:

1. Set clear goals

2. Eat wisely

3. Daily exercise

4. Think positive

1. Set clear goals

If you don’t set a clear goal, how will you know if you’ve achieved it? What exactly is your goal? Does it weigh 115 pounds? or maybe 185 pounds? Or maybe have a 30-inch waist? All of these are clear and measurable goals. You can tell with a scale or tape measure whether or not you have achieved your goal and how far you need to go.

Setting a goal like “I want to look good in a bathing suit” is not specific. What does it mean to look “good”? What looks good today may not look good tomorrow. “I want to wear a size 6 dress” is specific, because you either fit the dress or you don’t. It is clear.

To set clear goals:

For. Identify where you are

B. Set a specific goal

vs. Set a deadline

D. Make a detailed plan

2. Eat wisely

Anything you put into your body becomes the raw material for building your body. If you eat junk, you will have a junkie body. If you eat healthy foods, you will have a healthy body.

A. Don’t smoke. Avoid drugs like alcohol and caffeine and, of course, the most dangerous illegal drugs.

B. Avoid chemicals that are not really food like nut fudge, preservatives, and food colors.

C. Avoid junk foods like cookies, cakes, and candy that are high in calories and carbohydrates, but low in nutritional value. Instead, eat nutrient-dense foods like fresh fish, poultry, and vegetables.

D. Drink seven glasses of water a day to cleanse your body.

E. Eat slowly and chew your food completely to get the best nutrition from each bite.

3. Daily exercise

Exercise every day for at least 20 minutes, but preferably longer. If you are healthy, you should start to sweat during exercise. If you are not healthy or recovering, you may need to settle for more moderate exercise, such as walking.

To help you see the relationship between exercise and diet, here are some facts and figures on the number of calories you burn in an hour:

Sleeping 72 calories per hour Sitting 84 calories per hour

Walk 300 calories per hour Pedal up to 400 calories per hour

Jogging / Lifting weights up to 600 calories per hour

Running / Martial Arts / Aerobics

800 to 900 calories per hour

Now look at the number of calories in common foods:

Chocolate cake (1 slice) 345 calories Can of cola (12 oz) 145 calories

Pie (1 slice) 300 calories baked salmon (60z) 310 calories

2 crackers (3 inches) 240 calories wheat bread (2 slices) 150 calories

French fries (10) 155 calories broccoli (1/2 cup) 20 calories

So if you take a 30 minute walk and then go back to having a cola, you will only have burned an additional 5 calories. If you go to martial arts class for 45 minutes and eat a dessert cake for lunch and a dessert cake for dinner, you will actually gain weight.

4. Think positive

Remember: your mind controls your body and you become what you think. Think positive and become positive. If you believe it, you can do it. To keep thinking positive for a long period of time:

A. Write down your purpose for losing weight.

B. Get support from your family

C. Intentionally visualize how you want to look

D. Talk about your diet program.

E. Find any potential obstacles to achieving your goal and tagline a plan to

overcome them.

F. For every 5 pounds you lose, celebrate with those who have supported you,

including friends and family.

Once you’ve made these plans, execute them and never, never give up, even AFTER you’ve achieved all of your goals, so you don’t fall back into your old habits. The best way to maintain your new body is to teach others to achieve the same positive goals. In that way, you are reminding yourself why you did what you did, while helping others reach their goals and live healthier lives in the process.

It is always better to prevent ill health than to try to cure it. Take care of yourself by eating and drinking wisely, exercising daily, getting adequate rest, and thinking positive. Follow the Four Wheels of Health to improve your life. Take care of your health when you are healthy. Don’t wait until it’s too late.

Weight loss foods

The easiest way to lose weight slowly is to simply cut out junk foods like desserts and unhealthy snacks. Stop eating cookies, cakes and sweets and you will start to lose weight. You can still treat yourself to something sweet once or twice a week. . . Just don’t do it three or four times a day!

Here are some examples of healthy meals that will allow you to lose weight even faster:


Eggs, any style, with or without cheese and vegetables. You can eat them sunny side up, poached, scrambled, or in an omelette.

You can even add ham, bacon, or sausage as long as you can be sure the meat hasn’t been flavored with sugar (read the label).

You can eat fish like smoked salmon or smoked salmon and cream cheese.

Carbohydrate foods: You can have carbohydrate foods such as oatmeal, cream of wheat, grated wheat, all bran, etc., as long as you are sure they do NOT contain sugar and do not mix them with milk, which contains fat (you can use skim milk, because it is a carbohydrate and you are eating a carbohydrate meal).


Any salad, with fish or meat: Southwest Chicken Salad, Cajun Shrimp Salad, Blackened Grouper Caesar Salad, etc. Just make sure the salad dressing and meat / fish flavoring are sugar free and the salad does not contain croutons. Don’t ruin your meal by adding a drink that contains sugar.

Any flour made from chicken, turkey, fish with salad, or green vegetables. Watch out for high-starch vegetables like corn and carrots.

Soups are difficult because they usually contain pasta, rice, or potatoes. Many times a chef “thickens” the soup or sauce with cornstarch, which is a carbohydrate.

Carbohydrate foods: You can have carbohydrate foods such as whole wheat pasta or brown rice with vegetables; just don’t mix carbs with protein like meat or fats like oils and cheeses).


Many people eat the same types of food for lunch and dinner. Again, any salad or any chicken, turkey or fish meal. Make sure your meat or fish are not breaded.

It’s quite easy to eat in a restaurant – you can order chicken or fish dishes, and be sure to ask them not to bring bread, pasta, or rice. Most restaurants will substitute a vegetable for the starch, if requested. So your only concern is if the sauce has sugar in it. Again, ask, and they will generally please you.

You don’t need to count calories, you don’t need to starve, and you don’t need to worry about fat content. In fact, stay away from “fat-free” foods, because most fat-free foods are very high in carbohydrates. So when you look in the supermarket, everything is fat-free except people.

When you reach your desired weight, you can add healthy carbohydrates back to your meals: fruits and fruit juices, whole grains, and high-carbohydrate vegetables like corn and potatoes. A healthy diet should contain carbohydrates; just reduce them and don’t mix them with fat while losing weight. However, DO NOT eat junk food like cookies, candy, cakes, and potato chips again. If you must have dessert, again, limit yourself to once or twice a week.

A simple weight loss plan:

Modern research points to a very simple and effective process for losing weight: switching your body from energy storage mode to energy-burning mode. If you are overweight, your body has been in energy storage mode for too long, storing excess energy from the food you eat as fat. You can easily switch to energy burning mode and start burning fat for energy, lose weight, and feel more energetic.

The most effective way to switch to energy burning mode is to drastically reduce the amount of carbohydrates you eat. You probably have up to two days of energy stored in your muscles in the form of glycogen. As soon as you stop eating carbohydrates, you start to burn glycogen. During this time, you may feel weak or have a craving for sweets. In about two days, your glycogen stores will be depleted and your body will begin to search for other sources of energy, including the fat that it has been storing for this purpose. When your body goes from storing fat to burning fat, the weight loss process begins. At this point, most cravings and weakness stop and you feel a steady flow of energy.

This process is very easy to follow. Basically, to reset your body, you have to stop eating all simple carbohydrates (sugars in any form) and all complex carbohydrates (starches) for a few days. You should stop consuming chemicals that affect your metabolism such as caffeine, artificial sweeteners, nicotine, and alcohol. If you follow these simple guidelines, you can still eat enough food to keep your belly full and your metabolism high, but you will start to lose weight.

You can eat protein in the form of chicken, fish, eggs, and even red meat (although we don’t recommend them in any healthy diet), as well as fats like cheese, oils, butter, and low-starch vegetables (most vegetables) and tomatoes.

Bottom line, if you’re used to eating a balanced meal of meat, vegetables, and starch, just skip the starch. Of course, you should also eliminate dessert and sugary drinks. You can eat three healthy meals a day and you don’t need to be hungry.

How does it work? Whenever you eat or drink something that contains sugar or high-glycemic carbohydrates, your blood sugar spikes and your body releases insulin to store excess sugar as glycogen and eventually as fat. If you don’t eat or drink anything that raises your blood sugar, you don’t release insulin and you don’t store fat. As long as you don’t eat massive amounts of food, you will also start burning fat for energy. It’s that easy.

However, to follow this diet effectively, you need to keep an eye out for sugars. You can lose weight by eating a low carb breakfast of a cheese omelet cooked with butter and fresh vegetables, but if you mix those protein and fat with carbs by adding a single piece of toast, or a glass of orange juice or a cup of coffee with sugar, your body will release insulin and switch to fat storage mode.

Once you have reset your body (after the first few days), you can eat carbohydrates, but do not mix them with fat and protein while losing weight. You can still lose weight while eating carbohydrates, and we recommend that you eat at least one carbohydrate meal a day to maintain regularity.

For more information visit ==> www.healthandbeautyfitnessdiet.blogspot.com

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