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Caring for Your Rhinoceros Iguanas: Some Helpful Tips

One of the largest iguanas of all, rhinoceros iguanas can reach four feet in length. Its name is attributed to the three horn-shaped growths at the end of its nose. They are gray or olive green in color, with dark crossed bands, which blend in with the rocks in their natural habitat. As cold-blooded reptiles, these iguanas must warm up in the sun before being active during the day (diurnal). Iguanas of the genus cyclura are found on many islands in the Caribbean, but the rhinoceros iguana is found only on the islands of Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

Rhinoceros iguanas eat leaves, flowers, and fruit. They have been observed to eat insects, land crabs, and eggs. They are normally ground-dwelling lizards, but sometimes they climb trees to eat leaves and fruit.

They are mainly found near the coasts of Hispaniola in Haiti. However, due to due human civilization, many were forced to move inland. Most of the population lives in the southern part of the Dominican Republic. Smaller populations live in neighboring Haiti. They are protected and threatened species in the Dominican Republic. In Haiti, where they are sometimes hunted for food or as local trade.

Habitat destruction and hunting for food and commercial purposes is the greatest threat to the rhinoceros iguana.

Caring for rhinoceros iguanas as pets

A rhinoceros iguana may require a standard 30 to 50 gallon tank. But as it grows, a custom-made cage may be necessary. The size of the cage will depend on the size of the iguana. To calculate the ideal size of a particular iguana: the length of the cage is one and a half the length of the lizard; the width is two-thirds of the length of the lizard; the height can be equal to the length of the lizard. However, a taller cage may be preferred, as iguanas love to climb and stay upright. The branches can be installed inside the cage for your climbing needs. Choose branches that match the size of your iguana.

Rhinoceros iguanas need to warm up their bodies to properly digest food and help them fight disease. A thermometer can be used to monitor the temperature in any enclosed area. The ideal temperature should reach around 85 degrees Fahrenheit. You can provide additional heat using a bulb, heating tape, or any under-tank heater. Hot rocks are not recommended because they can damage your iguana’s skin and can even cause severe burns.

Lighting is a must for iguanas. The full-spectrum bulbs help produce vitamin D3, which helps iguanas in their absorption of calcium. However, recent studies show that no artificial lighting can duplicate the benefits derived from natural sunlight. Therefore, it is recommended that iguanas be exposed to natural sunlight on a regular basis. Natural sunlight along with a good diet is the cheapest way to raise rhinoceros iguanas. However, be careful not to expose the iguana to sunlight while inside the aquarium, as the rise in temperature inside can be lethal.

Proper feeding should always be an important consideration in managing your rhinoceros iguanas. Always remember that the health and well-being of your pet iguana will largely depend on the type of food you give him. Iguanas require a diet rich in vitamin D3, calcium, and phosphorus. A good source of these are vegetables like mustard greens, dandelion greens, and turnip greens. Iguanas are herbivorous by nature. They are plant eaters. Foods for dogs, cats and humans should be avoided. These are not good for iguanas and can lead to kidney failure at a young age. Broccoli, cauliflower, sprouts, and cabbages can be given, but in small amounts. These vegetables can cause thyroid problems if given frequently. Spinach is not good for them either, it binds calcium. Other vegetables such as zucchini and squash, and other fruits, such as raspberries, blackberries, and bananas, can be added to your diet.

While it is important to control the temperature around the rhinoceros iguana, it is equally important to control the humidity. They need water and moisture. Regular misting or a humidifier will help keep the humidity at the proper level. Ideally, the enclosures should maintain a humidity level of approximately 95 to 100 percent. A meter that monitors both temperature and humidity can help address this monitoring.

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