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Can chiropractic care improve your volleyball game?

Volleyball is a great sport. Everywhere you look, people are playing beach volleyball in the sunshine. Whether you prefer to play on a court during the winter months or you like to meet your friends on the sand, there are things you can do to make sure your game is up to scratch.

When you take the ball out or hit it, you are going to jump up and down. While sand is certainly softer than a hardwood floor, it can still put a lot of pressure on your spine. Jumping up and down in front of the net and staying in the ready position puts stress on your lower back. Your spine and nervous system come into play as you jump up and down. Your hips and lower back take the brunt of the load as you twist and turn your body to hit the ball. Your hips and ankles take the brunt of the load when you throw a low ball and duck to catch it. Fortunately, with regular chiropractic adjustments, you can improve your performance by regularly adjusting your spine and taking care of your nervous system.

It doesn’t matter if you are planning to turn pro and join the US Olympic team or if you just like to play on the beach. In any case, you need to make sure you take good care of your body. If you don’t have a comprehensive health plan, you could put more stress on your muscles and joints. If you don’t get regular chiropractic adjustments, you can exacerbate a simple sprained ankle or lower back pain leading to a much more serious injury. You can put your game at risk if you don’t make sure you get regular chiropractic care. You can decrease the amount of time you can play by subjecting yourself to more injuries. You can also reduce healing time by adjusting your body for joint and muscle pain.

Lisa Rutledge, a professional beach volleyball player, had this to say about her chiropractor: “I see Dr. J for chiropractic work about 2-3 times a week and honestly if I could go more I would. I play beach volleyball and it takes a serious toll on your body. I’m traveling all over the world, going to Moscow, to Rome, to Korea, and 20 hour flights are no fun. So when I come back, my body is out of alignment, it gets It feels weird, it just doesn’t feel right. As soon as I get off the plane, I book my appointment with Dr. J and I adjust and feel 100 times better. It really does wonders for your body.”

As a young athlete, nothing is more important than your health. With the best regular medical care, he can up his game and get a leg up on the competition. With a professional chiropractor by your side you can do all of this and more. You don’t have to wait for an injury to get chiropractic care. No matter what position you play and how often you practice each week, you’ll always be able to perform at your best and get a leg up on your competition with regular chiropractic care. By receiving regular adjustments, your game will improve as well as your health.

A world-class healthcare management system can keep you playing at your best all the time. And a major component of a complete health care program is regular chiropractic adjustments. Although you may not realize it, your spine and nervous system are under a lot of pressure when you play volleyball. It may be a low-risk sport in terms of injury, but with regular chiropractic care it can alleviate the risk of severe stress on the spine. Overall, you can improve your spine’s range of motion and function to give you a better edge over your competitors.

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