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Billiards: learning to concentrate = learning to win

Trying to level up in any sport often means turning a losing habit into a winning habit. Very often, although an athlete will have innate ability, he will not be able to turn that natural talent into a winning formula.

Generally, this is due to a lack of concentration, something that can be easily addressed. In billiards, pool, and snooker, this is a particularly important aspect of getting into the winning mold. How often do we hear gamers say “I took my eye out” or “I just wasn’t concentrating?” This has to do with focus and can be caused by external factors both on and off the table.

Everything we do in our daily lives can have an effect on our focus and concentration. Many times I’ve heard players in my local league claim that they just didn’t play well in a particular game. It is very difficult to concentrate on a game like pool when your mind is elsewhere, if you have had a bad day at work or at home it will affect your game. Pool is all about focus and concentration and without it you better not show up!

How can we try to recover this level of concentration that allows us to play our match? It is a very difficult question and not one that has a finite answer; different people will deal with focus in many different ways. This guide offers a series of solutions on how to regain focus while playing.

Pre-shot routine

To regain or even maintain focus and concentration during a game, it’s important to have your own pre-shot routine, set of moves, or mental checklist before starting each shot. If you get into your shooting position the same way every time you shoot then it allows you to focus solely on the job at hand and you can eliminate some of the many external factors that may be going on around you.

take a break

In a match, you can sometimes get frustrated when the “roll” doesn’t go your way. I firmly believe in the old adage that you make your own luck. Take a break from the table; have a drink, a bathroom break, anything to refresh your mind. Go back to the table and on your next visit try to put all your efforts into the work at hand.


Although billiards is not a particularly physical sport, it does require a great deal of calculation and mental focus. Matches can last a long time in often very smoky environments. With this point in mind, it is important to rehydrate regularly, this factor is often overlooked by pool players. Water allows the body to function properly not only physically but also mentally.

ignore the surroundings

I have been in many matches where I have allowed my surroundings and what is happening at other tables to affect my focus and concentration. It could be other pool games, music, or a particularly loud conversation. The best way to eliminate this external factor is to not allow your eyes to move from the table. Whether it’s you or your opponent at the table, your eyes must not leave the mat. This focuses your mind on the task and prepares you mentally in case your opponent makes a mistake.

Eliminating external factors in your efforts to focus will greatly improve your game. This, coupled with the will to win and the determination to improve, will move your game to a level sufficient for success.

Remember learning to focus = learning to win.

© Copyright 2006 P.Williams

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