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Be your own psychic pet with Pet Oracle Cards

Have you ever wondered what your pet is thinking? Have you ever wished you could talk to your cat or dog to see what would make them happy, what they want more of, what they want less of or what they love about their life with you? Well the wait is over….

Pet Oracle Cards will help you do just that: literally talk to your pet, about whatever you want, anytime, anywhere! If you haven’t heard the buzz yet (on KTLA Los Angeles, Fox 6 in San Diego, Fox 11 in Los Angeles, CBS in Palm Springs, and countless other TV shows), here’s what the Pet Oracle Cards are all about: The Pet Oracle Cards were created with love and with the intention of helping pet owners create a more loving, more healing and clearer connection with their pets and ultimately with all animals. The Pet Oracle Cards are a tool that, together with internal guidance, lead to personalized, specific and precise answers to questions about everything related to your pet, including health, behavior and emotions. Each card serves as a tool to deepen your understanding of your pet. Easy to use, Pet Oracle Cards help you effortlessly tune in and communicate with your pet. It’s like your pet is talking to you through the cards! The cards amplify your natural telepathic gifts and help you listen to the voice of intuition.

Some of my clients have gained very deep insights into their pets’ likes, dislikes, and personalities through the use of Pet Oracle Cards. Kellie, a 12 year old sheltie, when asked about her arthritis and what we could do to help her, she told us that she wanted to learn agility. Her owner enrolled her in a class and her hips have been like new ever since. Another client took the advice of her golden retriever Ashley and got back together with an ex-boyfriend. They are now happily married! And another client successfully lost 15 pounds by following an exercise program suggested by her athletic terrier.

Pet Oracle Cards unlock the magic of direct communication with your furry angels! Can you imagine knowing exactly what your pet is thinking or feeling? With Pet Oracle Cards, the answers are literally at your fingertips. All of the messages on Pet Oracle Cards are positive and uplifting and are meant to enhance your connection with your pet. By working with these cards, you will develop an even closer connection with your pets and recognize them as the angels and teachers that they are.

Using the Cards There are several ways to use the Pet Oracle Cards. The first is to approach the cards as a training system to communicate and connect with your pet. Randomly take one card a day from the deck and apply the suggested tool on the card throughout the day. Another way to use the deck is to seek direct guidance on a specific problem or situation you are having with your pet by drawing a card with that situation in mind and following the guidance. More elaborate guidance can be obtained by drawing three cards on a specific situation. The first card represents the root cause of the problem, the second the specific action you need to take to shift the situation to a higher vibration, and the third what you are overlooking and need to become aware of.

You can also have a “conversation” with your pet through these cards. Some good questions to ask are:

What do you love most about your life with me?

How can I help you with… (arthritis, house training, separation anxiety – the possibilities are endless)?

How do you think I should handle…?

Is there anything I can do to improve our life?

Is there anything I can do to make… (my vacation, moving, adjusting to the new baby) easier for you?

What would you like to see change in our life together?

What can I do to help you be healthy and happy?

What can I do to improve our time “together”?

What do you want more of?

What do you want less of?

What do you want to do now?

If your pet is sick, you can ask:

What is the root cause of your illness?

What do you need from me right now in terms of support?

How can I help you?

What do you need to heal?

What prevents you from improving?

What is the lesson for me?

What do I need to change in my life so that you can heal?

There are countless ways to use Pet Oracle cards. You can trust your own intuition to decide how to use them for the best benefit of you and your pet. I invite you to experience and enjoy the magic that the cards will bring to your relationship with your pet!

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