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Advantages of partnering with a third-party logistics provider (3PL)

Logistics outsourcing has proven to be a smart move for companies looking to improve processes, increase efficiency, mitigate risk, and save time and money.

Working with a 3PL provider that has a variety of services can also be beneficial for businesses of all sizes! Here are the benefits of linking logistics services with a full-service 3PL provider:

one point of contact

Simplicity in your supply chain is one of the biggest benefits of parcel services. When you need to complete a project, complete specific orders quickly, or make changes to existing products or services, a customer service representative can assist you by providing freight forwarding, contract logistics, project logistics, open yard, warehousing, and distribution. . Having this simplicity helps to finish projects quickly, accurately and efficiently.

Consistent service levels

Having a single partner for logistics and supply chain work means there are no surprises when it comes to service levels. Whether you’re working with a large project in progress or a short-term increase in product levels, you know how the job will get done. If projects are being bounced from 3PL to 3PL or handled in-house, service levels can vary and work doesn’t get done consistently for you or your clients.

improved prices

When a 3PL provides more than one service, pricing can become more efficient and cheaper throughout the entire supply chain. Full-service providers can price projects effectively because they know exactly when tickets will be received, items picked up, and trucks arriving at their doors, making the process much more efficient.


Working with a single 3PL provider provides flexibility to the supply chain in two different ways. The ability to increase or decrease square footage and the amount of handling required, while only paying for what you use, is one of the main benefits of using a 3PL. Having a full-service 3PL provider that handles your entire supply chain also gives you the flexibility to use specific services when you need them. Let’s say a large retailer picks up your product and boxes need to be relabeled, or online sales of your product take off and you need eCommerce fulfillment services – with a full-service 3PL, these jobs can be easily accomplished without the hassle. of re-storage or change of suppliers.

Partnership Mentality

3PL providers strive to embody the partnership mentality with their customers. From high-quality customer service to process improvements and innovation, they want each of their customers to have the most effective supply chain possible! Working with a full-service 3PL provider provides improvements in all aspects of the product lifecycle, from pre-production raw materials to finished goods ready to ship to their final destination.

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