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A simple formula for the structure of a webinar

When preparing a webinar, many people get stuck because they don’t know how much content to include. They know a lot about their topic, of course, so they usually end up trying to cram too much into the webinar, which confuses the audience and obscures the most important points. To avoid this problem, follow this simple formula to identify the outcome of your webinar before you start organizing it.

This is the formula:

  1. Tell them one thing.
  2. SHOW them something.
  3. Ask them to do one thing.

In other words:

  1. (SAY) Have an important point that you want them to make.
  2. (SHOW) Develop the point with examples, steps, a process, etc.
  3. (ASK) Have a simple call to action.

For example, if you are conducting a webinar on Information Overload, which is a enormous theme. To keep it simple, here is a way to use this formula:

  1. SAY: “Make the Internet your filing system.”
  2. SHOW: Share 5-6 examples of how to do this.
  3. ASK: Tell them to attend your next workshop.

That may seem too basic to be useful, but don’t be fooled! Organizing your thoughts this way, before you do it some Another webinar prep: You accomplish two things: You establish a clear result, and you have the outline for your presentation.


Having a clear result means that you can decide exactly what to include, and what to exclude, by considering everything you know about the topic. This applies to each of the three steps:

  1. SAY: Only include material that supports your main point.
  2. SHOW: All of your examples have to demonstrate the main point.
  3. ASK: The material is not only informative, but also persuades them to take the next step.

If we apply this to our example from the information overload webinar:

  1. SAY: The main point is “Make the Internet your filing system”, so you may not discuss, for example, managing your email box.
  2. SHOW – Choose multiple examples that show as To put this principle into practice, for example, using Twitter to share the articles you read.
  3. ASK: Make sure the material above gives you an idea of ​​what you will cover in the workshop.


You can use the TELL / SHOW / ASK scheme as a sequence for your webinar material. Start by telling them the main point you want to make, spend most of the webinar showing them a few examples, and end with a single call to action.

Of course, this is just the basic outline of the webinar, and it will probably add a lot more to give you more content. But the basic outline is exactly what you need to get started.

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