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A five-step tutorial for writing effective subliminal messages

Have you recently discovered the power of the subliminal mind and how you can control it? Have you ever tried it? Not everyone who discovers it experiences its amazing effects the first time. If you still don’t enjoy its wonderful ability to change your life, then it’s time to review your technique. Maybe it’s the way your subliminal messages are composed.

Here is a step by step guide on how to write subliminal messages the right way.

1. Think about what you want to achieve. Think carefully about what you really want to achieve. This could be a change in your mood or thought pattern, or a change in your actual habits and behavior. This could be a change in your circumstances, such as having more money. Then check if there are any obstacles in your life or in your mind regarding this goal. Start formulating your subliminal video messages by moving away from obstacles and focusing on what you want to change in yourself.

2. Start with yourself. Now, to start composing your subliminal message, here’s your main clue: start with yourself. Your message will be most effective if it’s written in the first person, meaning it begins with “I” or involves the word “I.” So if you want to attract more money into your life, you can use subliminal messages like:

I attract money.
Money comes easily to me.

3. Start today. Your next clue is to start today. This means that your subliminal message must be in the present tense. So you should avoid subliminal messages that start with “I will” because it speaks of the future. Instead you can use messages like:

I make money now.
I invite money today.

4. Subtract the negativity. Next, be sure to remove anything that has any association with negativity. This includes negative words or words that have negative connotations. This includes the words “no” or “no.” For example, if you say “I won’t smoke” or “I don’t smoke anymore”, even if the message is ultimately positive, the message will still not work.

If you are trying to get rid of something in your life, you should also avoid words that remind you of what you are trying to get rid of. So if you want to cut alcohol out of your life, you shouldn’t say “I don’t drink alcohol anymore.” Instead, it should say:

I am free from drinking habits.
I choose only healthy clothes.

Double negatives should also be avoided.

5. Add positivity. Once you get rid of the negative words, you can add more positive words. The more powerful the words, the more motivation you will get from them. Positive words like “free”, “strong”, “capable”, “talented”, etc. they can help add power to your messages. You should also use proactive words and phrases like “I choose” or “I decide.”

Now your subliminal messages should be ready to use. You can start to change your life with their help.

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