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5 characteristics of effective public speakers

So, you are giving a speech. You have some ideas about what you want to say specifically, but beyond that, you have lingering doubt. So what should you consider before preparing and then delivering your speech?

Whether you’re a seasoned professional speaker or just getting your feet (and palms) wet when standing before an audience, the following can help you become a more effective speaker:

1. Know your audience. Who will you be talking to? Why are they there? What do they expect from you? The answers to these questions should influence what a speaker should say. Understanding your audience is paramount in order to effectively tailor and then deliver a speech that is meaningful.

2. Know your topic. You have been asked to speak because you are an authority on your subject. Your audience will trust you in direct proportion to the confidence and mastery you show in delivering your material. Take the time to distill your topic and organize it in the most logical and unambiguous progression. Use language the audience can understand and simplify as necessary any technical or complicated content that may be beyond your expertise.

3. Look and act like you belong. Dress for the occasion in appropriate clothing that fits you well. Be mindful of your posture and avoid slouching or leaning on the podium. Speaking in pleasant, conversational tones, being relaxed and confident, and maintaining good eye contact are important. Public speaking is a performance, and as such, rehearsal time is necessary to improve not only the power of your words, but also the body language and overall visual effect that will support and reinforce your message.

Four. Go at your own pace. You are not a sprinter frantically running towards the finish line. Audiences will never have a chance to catch up if the pace is too frenetic. And if they can’t catch up, they will give up. Instead, look for natural pauses to absorb the important points. Enthusiasm and passion on the part of a speaker are always preferred, and they can also serve to channel any nervousness that might otherwise tend to increase the speed of speech. Using appropriate and timely humor can make both the audience and the speaker feel comfortable.

5. Make the connection. Effective speakers are compelling. They convince others by the power of their own conviction. They are passionate. They love their theme. They make eye contact and use hand gestures and facial expressions that add additional texture to their message. His words are authoritative and persuasive. And quite often they use a mild, self-deprecating humor to provide a good balance to their message.

You can become an effective public speaker by paying attention to the above and by practicing and honing your skill. Public speaking is an acquired skill and can be improved with effort and application.

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