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20 gift ideas under $5

You want to give something away but the occasion says that it should not be too much. Or the whole family gets together to celebrate a birthday, Thanksgiving or Christmas and that means 45 gifts. You want to give something to everyone in your class. Or your budget will soon hit the red ink stage.

What should you do? Here you’ll find ideas for items that cost less than $5, but each gift can still have special meaning.

1. A swimmer can always use a new set of earplugs.

2. Someone who works nights will love the new sleeping sunglasses.

3. If your grandmother travels, get her small travel bottles of lotion, hairspray, and deodorant.

4. Everyone can use a new lint remover glove.

5. Sachet bags are a luxury item to hang in cabinets or place in drawers.

6. A coffee mug with your name on it or a picture that represents something about the recipient.

7. Most women will appreciate a bottle of bubble bath.

8. Any woman will love mini bags to store and organize items in her purse.

9. A purse will be easier to find in a purse and will easily fit in a man’s pocket.

10. Everyone goes shopping. Get them notepads to hang on the refrigerator door.

11. Get velvet or satin padded hangers. They come in pretty colors.

12. Find a keychain that represents the recipient’s hobby.

13. Puzzles will help fill the hours of your stay at Grandma’s house.

14. Wind chimes will add a cheerful note to almost any day.

15. Everyone has items they save. Give them decorative boxes to organize them.

16. Decorative baskets hold and organize things throughout the house.

17. Get a special scented bar of soap.

18. Anyone who travels will love a collapsible travel toothbrush.

19. Bath oils will soothe your skin.

20. Coffee lovers will appreciate the small bags of flavored coffee.

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