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17 tips to eat healthy when eating out!

Eating healthy when eating out

Those of you who like to eat out and always feel guilty afterwards, these tips are for you! You can feel good about yourself if you take control and use some simple common sense strategies.

1. Always ask for salad dressings or sauces on the side, then you control how much you add (try just a little less than usual).

2. If you order your food on the grill (such as vegetables or fish), ask for little or no oil or butter when it is prepared.

3. When ordering pasta, think tomato sauce instead of cream sauce. Ketchup, of course, has much less fat and calories than cream-based sauces. And if you’re looking to ramp up your veggies, you can count that tomato sauce as one serving!

4. Instead of soda or alcohol, try water, tea, or even diet soda (if you can’t do without your soda entirely).

5. When you really don’t want to give up dessert, consider sharing it with a friend. Think half the calories and fat.

6. Soups can be a pretty good way to fill up without too many calories. Especially if you avoid cream-based soups, which again are much higher in fat and calories than the other types.

7. Baked potato lovers can still have their baked potato guilt-free if they order it with salsa. Avoid high-fat options like butter, sour cream, cheese, or bacon. The sauce also has the benefit of adding a lot of flavor and spice.

8. When you start to feel full, stop eating. Listen to your body and avoid overeating.

9. Consider taking half of your meal home for a later meal. Save calories and money.

10. If you want to eat less, a salad and appetizer (or two appetizers) may be a better option than a full entree.

11. Definitely have baked potatoes or steamed vegetables instead of French fries.

12. Choose foods that cook with less fat, such as foods that are grilled, broiled, baked, poached, or steamed.

13. Eat your bread or rolls without butter. This will decrease the fat and calories in your total meal.

14. Look for dishes that contain fruits or vegetables to add fiber and help fill you up.

15. Choose foods made with whole grains: brown rice, whole wheat bread, etc.

16. Consider berries or other fruits if you’re still hungry instead of a high-fat dessert.

17. Your main goal should not be to deprive yourself of the foods you really like. You should be able to add them if you have a well-balanced diet. If you try moderation instead of deletion, you’ll likely have more success.

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