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your baby can read

Your baby can read early if he starts early enough and that means from birth. It may seem too soon and you are one of those who think that a baby does not do much but you are wrong. Babies learn even before they are born. Yes it’s correct. Reading from birth is possible. Don’t waste a moment in starting to stimulate your baby’s brain from the moment she is born. This means talking to your baby from day one and surrounding her with music, songs, rhymes and stories that will familiarize her with her native language. This happens even before birth. Researchers have shown that a baby is already used to hearing the mother talk about her, and surprisingly, a newborn’s cry has been shown to closely follow the speech patterns used by the mother of the baby.

Reading is part of language as a whole. Speaking, listening, reading and writing are all linked and one cannot develop without the others. There are essential ‘pre-reading’ skills that must be learned if these language skills are to be fully mastered. These are learned through fun games and activities that engage your baby and teach important pre-reading skills needed for reading later in life. These can be ‘taught’ or encouraged by surrounding your baby in language from birth. Talk to your baby all day. Tell stories, sing nursery rhymes, read books, display posters and pictures with printed words and the alphabet.

Put pictures and mobiles where your baby can see them. Hang them over your baby’s changing table so there is enough for your baby to look at when changing. This not only stimulates the baby’s brain, but keeps the baby entertained and stops moody moody experiences when some babies dislike lying down. If you do everything I suggest here, your baby will become familiar with language in all its forms and will be ready to read early and find reading easy.

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