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What can I do to make my ex love me again? These tips will make them come back to you

If you just broke up and realized you want your ex back, you have to work right away to salvage what’s left in your relationship. Here are some suggestions that you can follow:

Speak things clearly.

Talking things out will clear up some things that have been misunderstood. Don’t just talk, take the time to listen too and try to hear what your ex has to say. For your conversation to be effective, speak delicately and listen to each other, only then will understanding come.

If he asks, give him a time out.

If you feel like your ex isn’t ready to deal with you, give them some space. Don’t rush things, while you give yourself time to be apart, come up with a tactic to get him back.

Apologize even if it’s not your fault

Say you’re sincerely sorry and admit the fact that you’ve also made some mistakes. Saying an apology is not a sign of weakness but a sign of bravery. Be serious when you say sorry, try to change the wrong things, and strive to be better.

Look more attractive to you and him.

Always pay attention to your appearance. A breakup is never a reason to neglect your physical appearance. Looking good makes your ex realize what he’s missing. He always take the time to take care of himself. Taking good care of yourself is the best way to show your love for yourself.

Make me miss you with each new day.

Don’t pester your ex with tons of text messages or phone calls. Being silent makes your ex miss you and curiosity creeps into his system. He would also wonder if he has already moved.

Remind your ex of your happy days together.

Make your ex remember your happy times together. You can give her a picture, perhaps, of her happiest getaway, a CD of the songs you both love to listen to, or you can send her a DVD of her favorite movie.

Make peace.

Try to set up a meeting with your ex. Try to patch things up and accept each other again like you did at the beginning of your relationship. Let forgiveness reign in your hearts and everything should slowly come back to order.

No relationship is perfect. From time to time there will always be some difficult roads that you have to tread. In case you come across a path full of rocks, stay strong and in no time you will be able to pass all these obstacles.

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