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Tips to follow when creating a resume

Your resume is the most important document you will need when looking for a job. A strong resume will make you stand out from the crowd. During the hiring process, the first thing employers notice is our resume. The main objective is to verify if the applicants are suitable for the company. The resume should summarize your skills and should be easy to read and should also highlight your experience.

Mention the essential:

Do not include all of your work experience on your resume. You have to mention only the required content. Your resume should present itself as a marketing document that sells you as a person for the job.

Keep a Master Resume

Depending on job offers, you can continue to exchange the information. So keep a master resume where you keep all the information you ever put on a resume, like previous positions, major projects. When you need to write a new resume, you can simply copy and paste the necessary contents.

Add the best subject

The resume is your first impression, so be sure to add your best work experience and achievements and also see that they are visible at the top. The hiring manager will look at the top section of the resume first, so focus on listing your best and only relevant experiences.

List chronologically

You can organize your information in many other ways, reverse chronological, where recent experiences are listed first, will be better.

Save it to a page

Keep your information concise and stretch to one page. Only if you have more credentials, training and important work experience then you can get more than one page.

keep it simple

The most basic principle of a good resume is to keep it simple. Make your font size between 10 and 12. Keep it simple and consistent.

Design for Skimability

Hiring managers don’t spend a lot of time on an individual resume. Make them get as much information as possible, in a short time.

active language

Your resume should be written in an active language with no foreign words. This means power words like earned, accomplished, completed, and accomplished.

highlight important achievements

Include a separate section for achievements and skills, to specifically highlight relevant achievements in your education, career, or other experience. Instead of listing your job duties in experience sections, select your most important accomplishments in each role and, where possible, include numbers that measure the success of that particular goal.

Choose the appropriate margins

You should use a one inch margin size on all sides of your resume with single line spacing. You can increase your margins if you find it difficult to fill out your resume, but it should be less than two inches.

Check for errors

Always make sure your resume is error free. You’d better check it three times. You can also have it verify with any of your friends for added security.


The resume is the first step in meeting the employer for the interview. Be sure to include relevant information and highlight important sections. Check your mistakes. Once your resume is ready, it should help you receive callbacks and job offers.

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