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Nelson Mandela’s legacy: well, like anyone’s life experience, it’s complicated

The more you do in life, the more feathers you will ruffle. If you never ruffle your feathers, you probably haven’t flown very far or understood much of the world below you. Yes, quite true, perhaps not even a single denier of those truths among those reading this article. Now, let’s talk a little about Nelson Mandela. How did he feel about socialism, communism, and capitalism?

Many say he didn’t trust capitalism, but didn’t he trust free market capitalist theory, or those who claimed to be capitalists who wanted to come in and take advantage of South Africa’s resources and cheap labor? Good question, a fair question in my opinion.

Okay, I realize this gentleman is no longer with us, and a positive light is better for all concerned now that his life’s work and progress was important to humanity. However, even Nelson Mandela himself admitted that he had made some mistakes in his youth, but said that he had grown and worked all his life to do what he felt was right, during all phases of his life, in the last phase he had a vision more espacious. therefore, he worked at a higher emotional IQ level and made a substantial effort to move toward his goals.

Still, I don’t think blaming capitalism is the right move, and frankly I don’t think we should allow the narrative to contain any BS anti-capitalist statements at this point, even if Nelson Mandela had a hard time trusting it. those who came to South Africa claiming to be capitalists. The reality is that communism and socialism can also make people very poorer and they still don’t reach the level of strength of a middle class like those nations that are closest to the theory of free market capitalism do, and you You know or you should have known. Communism is and has been, in my opinion, a nightmare for South Africa, and they should get rid of that whole segment of politics (quote: History).

An online acquaintance after hearing that said he agreed, that we shouldn’t create some kind of BS story about Mandela’s life and that he made mistakes, like all leaders and doers, but he also said this with a caveat and a example;

“I don’t think his original decision to use violence was flawed. It was as sensible as fighting Hitler rather than continuing appeasement. However, removing the anti-capitalist element would also be falsifying history, as he never stopped talking about his lack of confidence.” in capitalism. I think we had concerns about direct socialism, since when he took office, the Soviet bloc was collapsing. In the end, I think the trust he placed in neoliberal capitalism is part of why South Africa continues to fight the way it does. The history of capitalism in Africa has been at least as bad as any history you can cite.”

Well, considering all this, I would come back to this; those who vandalize capitalism are generally vandalizing the human nature that crony capitalism causes, and many of those who hijack “free market capitalism” of their own free will are those who want to harness its superior efficiency and power, along with the force of the job. , the flow of money and production; however, those who do so are not capitalists, they are simply flawed characters of human endeavor enjoying an incestuous relationship, as Adam Smith and Karl Marx in Das Kapital admitted that they were a potential flaw in the “human nature” of capitalism. which is also always present in both socialism and communism.

When we look at history, I don’t think anyone can name a communist civilization that has maintained any sort of solid standard of living and quality of life for the average citizen (subject) and when it comes to socialism, it would be a sick joke to believe that it’s a long-term strategy that provides the best possible life experience for those you’ve locked up, and that’s what I believe, how about you? Please consider all this and think about it.

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